Sunday 2 September 2012

How to maximize your nutrition!

So Most of you Come into the Gym and Ask me what I should Eat
I reply with some form of the Paleo Diet but Tweak it to say Add Diary if you Tolerate it

If you haven't asked me this yet......The Paleo Diet is....

Eat Meat, Chicken and Fish and Don't go crazy with cutting the fat or getting rid of the chicken skin

Stay away from Grains

Don't Eat Sugar

Eat Natural and organic foods that do not have a label

Eat plenty of vegetables and some fruit

and drink plenty of water

But now what ??

Well now comes Quantity
Quality is king ( which is eating whole foods, but not whole grains) and then comes how much of that awesome Food we eat! (Quantity is Queen)

So you mean I can't eat everything I want?
Well that answer depends on your goals!

Portion size even with quality foods can play a factor in your weight control
and although all of us who crossfit say we don't care about six packs but how many GHD sit ups we can do in a minute , as the heat rises maybe deep inside do care a little bit right?

So Things to look out for

How much milk you drink
How many Nuts your Are having a day
How many Vegetables in relations to Protein you are consuming
How often you Mix your Proteins, (Chickens, Meats and Fish)
How often you eat fruit and at what times!
and how many meals you eat in a day!

Timing is Everything, especially if we look at food as fuel

So TODAY"S TIP which is what you all wanted!!

Eat Your Carbohydrates Straight AFTER your WOD
this mean's eat an ORANGE, BANANA, APPLE, strawberries, etc... straight after your WOD for more PR'S

Why? Well because once you've used up all the glycogen (sugar) in your muscles cranking a sub 2 min FRAN ( we all wish right!)
and a quick way of doing so is by consuming Carbohydrates as soon as possible

Everything you eat, gets used by your body and by making sure your carbohydrates get consumed straight after exercise you are ensuring the sugar from the content of these foods goes straight to more PR's and not to your belly,

I hope this Helps for more information Stay tuned to more blog posts and!! our First nutrition Seminar!
Peace !

Your Coach Raul
CrossFit Down Under (Your Box)

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