Sunday 16 September 2012

Monday's WOD

Monday's WOD

Squat Clean's!

Squat Cleans


Squat Clean 21 Rep's
42 Push Up's
Squat Clean 15 Rep's
30 Push Up's
Squat Clean 9 Rep's
18 Push Up;s

Push Ups
Level 1 21/15/9
Level 2 30/20/10
Level 3 42/30/18

Level 1 20 Kg
Level 2 40 Kg
Level 3 60 Kg

To our Right is Pru
One of our Member's here at Crossfit Down Under
Pru has proven so far to have some great PR's such as Over Body Weight DeadLift's and Back Squats , she has an amazing Yes can Do attitude and we know she will be a forced to be reckoned with in the Crossfit sphere in a couple of months

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