Wednesday 12 September 2012

Friday's WOD

"Wall ball Run"
10 Med Ball Cleans
Run 30 Meters 
x 20 Rounds

What's a Med Ball Clean? 
It's a Fast Squat with a Med Ball in the Front Squat Position 

What Makes this Work Out Hard?
The Med Ball!
Running with it turns deceivingly hard

Level 1 10 Rounds
Level 2 15 Rounds
Level 3 20 Rounds

Run 30 Meters and then do 15 Air Squats x 20 Rounds 

To our Right is Karen one of our Member's here at CrossFit Down Under, Karen is a fountain of inspiration and positivity 
An ultra marathon Runner who also Crossfit's, it doesn't get more Cross Fit than that ! 

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