Wednesday 5 September 2012

Friday's WOD

Friday's WOD


"75 Snatches"
For Time

Level 1 Broom Stick or Single arm Dumb Bell Snatches or Empty Barbell (20/15)
Level 2 25/20
Level 3 35/25
Level 4 35/25 but Squat Snatch Every Rep

Home WOD

3 Sets of Max Broom Stick Over head Squats in a row
first set do as many over head squats in a row without a a break stopping at the top for more than 3 seconds counts as a break
rest 1 minute repeat. rest 1 minute and Repeat

To our Right are Heather and Joyce , They are our Oldest Members Here at CrossFit Down Under  and they might scale things but Still get After it !

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