Tuesday 4 September 2012

Thursdays WOD

Thursdays WOD

-Hang Clean
- Air Squat

Hang Clean's 
10 Air Squats Between Each hang Clean Set

20 Minute Time Cap

Level 1 Open Bar & 5 Air Squats Between Hang Cleans
Level 2 30/25 Kilo's &7 Air Squats Between Hang Cleans
Level 3 50/40 Kilo's & 10 Air Squats Between Hang Cleans

Knee Jump's 
Air Squats

Knee Jumps 
10 Air Squats Between Each hang Cleans

Food for thought
"A man who wants to lead the orchestra must turn his back on the crowd" 
- Max Lucado 

 To our Left is Nathan, He is one of our Member's here at CrossFit Down under, he can jump very high, has the agility of a ninja, is a solid person who you can always count on to cheer you on at the end of a W.O.D  

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