Wednesday 12 September 2012

Thursdays WOD

Thursdays WOD

10 Minute Kettle Bell

Snatch Contest

Ten minutes to Get as Many Snatches in 10 minutes as you can

Rest 10 Minutes

10 Minutes

to get as Many kettle Bell Clean And Jerks as You can in 10 minutes

Level 1 10 Kg KB or Dumb Bell's
Level 2 16 Kg KB or Dumb Bell's
Level 3 24 Kg KB or Dumb Bell's
Level 4 32 Kg KB


Run 10 Minutes as Far As you can

Rest 5 MInutes

Run 20 Minutes as Far as you can

To our Right is Andrew one our Member's here at CrossFit Down Under
Andrew Has incredible form in all of his movement's here you can see a great example of how the hands are in line with the shoulder, knees's and feet are all in one line. 

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