Thursday 27 September 2012

Friday's WOD

Friday's WOD

21 Thruster's
600 Meter Run
21 Burpee's
15 Thruster's
400 Meter Run
15 Burpee's
9 Thruster's
200 Meter Run
9 Burpee's

Wednesday 26 September 2012


Thursdays WOD

30 minute AMRAP

1 Minute Row
1 minute Double Under's/ Single Skips
1 minute Burpee's
1 minute Box Jumps's

Structure will be explained in Class

See you Tonight !

Tuesday 25 September 2012

Wednesday's WOD

Wednesday's W.O.D

Handstand Push Ups Practice


*Dead Lift
*Hand Stand Push Up's

As Prescribed Dianne is
100/ 70 Kilo Dead lift's
Handstand Push Up's

However Because these weights or movements might not be realistic for most of us, we will scale both the Weights and
Handstand Push Up's will be Scaled to either
*Kick To Handstand's
*deficit Push Ups
*Regular Push Ups
*Push Up's From a box

So do not be scared, We can all enjoy of this Amazing W.O.D

To our Right is Kellie
Dead Lifting 160 Kilo's

Tuesdays WOD

Tuesdays WOD

Snatch Skill Practice

30 Snatches
10 Push Up's
20 Snatches
20 Push Up's
10 Snatches
30 Push Up's

Snatch weight's
Level 1 20/15
Level 2 30/20
Level 3 40/30

To our Right is Josh
Making easy work of 3 minutes of Max 50 Kilo Front Squats

Sunday 23 September 2012


Monday's WOD

5x5 Strict pull Ups


7 Minute AMRAP
Squat Clean and Press

Level 1 30/20
Level 2 50/30
Level 3 70/50

Pull Up Practice
Strict Pull Ups ( No Kip)

7 Minute AMRAP
1 Knee Jump
1 Push Ups
Incremental Ladder for 7 minutes


Sunday 16 September 2012

Monday's WOD

Monday's WOD

Squat Clean's!

Squat Cleans


Squat Clean 21 Rep's
42 Push Up's
Squat Clean 15 Rep's
30 Push Up's
Squat Clean 9 Rep's
18 Push Up;s

Push Ups
Level 1 21/15/9
Level 2 30/20/10
Level 3 42/30/18

Level 1 20 Kg
Level 2 40 Kg
Level 3 60 Kg

To our Right is Pru
One of our Member's here at Crossfit Down Under
Pru has proven so far to have some great PR's such as Over Body Weight DeadLift's and Back Squats , she has an amazing Yes can Do attitude and we know she will be a forced to be reckoned with in the Crossfit sphere in a couple of months

Thursday 13 September 2012

Saturday's WOD

Part of Crossfit is being Able to be Ready for the unknown and unknowable and TOMORROW is no Exception

So Be Ready For anything Tomorrows Work out will not be the Strong man Day as scheduled
on a Previous Blog Post


In 1 box put the following 4 cards

1 card that says 10
1 Card that says 25
1 card that says 44
1 card that says 32

in 1 box put the following 4 cards

1 card that says Push Ups
1 Card that Says Burpees
1 card that says sit ups
1 Card that Says squats

now shake em up and pick 1 card from box a and 1 card from b
continue until you have your

Work out

e.g. so u might get 32 burpee's/ 44 push ups./10 sit ups/ 10 squats
or it might look like 44 burpees./ 10 push ups etc....

Have Fun!

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Friday's WOD

"Wall ball Run"
10 Med Ball Cleans
Run 30 Meters 
x 20 Rounds

What's a Med Ball Clean? 
It's a Fast Squat with a Med Ball in the Front Squat Position 

What Makes this Work Out Hard?
The Med Ball!
Running with it turns deceivingly hard

Level 1 10 Rounds
Level 2 15 Rounds
Level 3 20 Rounds

Run 30 Meters and then do 15 Air Squats x 20 Rounds 

To our Right is Karen one of our Member's here at CrossFit Down Under, Karen is a fountain of inspiration and positivity 
An ultra marathon Runner who also Crossfit's, it doesn't get more Cross Fit than that ! 

Thursdays WOD

Thursdays WOD

10 Minute Kettle Bell

Snatch Contest

Ten minutes to Get as Many Snatches in 10 minutes as you can

Rest 10 Minutes

10 Minutes

to get as Many kettle Bell Clean And Jerks as You can in 10 minutes

Level 1 10 Kg KB or Dumb Bell's
Level 2 16 Kg KB or Dumb Bell's
Level 3 24 Kg KB or Dumb Bell's
Level 4 32 Kg KB


Run 10 Minutes as Far As you can

Rest 5 MInutes

Run 20 Minutes as Far as you can

To our Right is Andrew one our Member's here at CrossFit Down Under
Andrew Has incredible form in all of his movement's here you can see a great example of how the hands are in line with the shoulder, knees's and feet are all in one line. 

Sunday 9 September 2012

Tuesdays WOD

Tuesdays WOD

12 pm/6 pm/ 7 pm Class
Every Minute on the Minute
for 15 Minutes
7 Push Jerk's

at 75% of 1 rep Max

100 Burpee's For Time
Level 1 50 Burpee's
Level 2 75 Burpee's
Level 3 100 Burpee's

*This will not be the Women's Class WOD


100 Burpee's for Time

To Our Right is Bryan one of our Member's
He holds quite a High Dead Lift 150 Kg in this Pic in his first attempt, is also quite the Paleo Desert Maker

Friday 7 September 2012

Next Week's WOD's


Fight Gone Bad


1 Minute Max Push Press
1 Minute Max Row for Calories
1 Minute Max Sumo Dead Lift High Pull
1 Minute Max Box Jumps 
1 minute Max Wall Balls


Every minute on the minute 7 Push Presses 
for 15 minutes
100 Burpee's for Time 
Bench Mark Retest 


CrossFit Total 
20 minutes to Establish 1 rep Max 
Back Squat


10 Minute Kettlebell Snatch Contest
10 Minute Ketttlebell Clean and Jerk Context 


"Wall ball Run"
10 Med Ball Cleans
Run 30 Meters 
x 20 Rounds 


Strong Man Day 

1 minute Keg Lift 
30 Second Rest
1 minute Heavy Sand Bag
30 Second Rest
1 minute Heavy Farmers Carry
30 Second Rest
1 minute Prowler Push

Repeat 3 Times 

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Friday's WOD

Friday's WOD


"75 Snatches"
For Time

Level 1 Broom Stick or Single arm Dumb Bell Snatches or Empty Barbell (20/15)
Level 2 25/20
Level 3 35/25
Level 4 35/25 but Squat Snatch Every Rep

Home WOD

3 Sets of Max Broom Stick Over head Squats in a row
first set do as many over head squats in a row without a a break stopping at the top for more than 3 seconds counts as a break
rest 1 minute repeat. rest 1 minute and Repeat

To our Right are Heather and Joyce , They are our Oldest Members Here at CrossFit Down Under  and they might scale things but Still get After it !

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Thursdays WOD

Thursdays WOD

-Hang Clean
- Air Squat

Hang Clean's 
10 Air Squats Between Each hang Clean Set

20 Minute Time Cap

Level 1 Open Bar & 5 Air Squats Between Hang Cleans
Level 2 30/25 Kilo's &7 Air Squats Between Hang Cleans
Level 3 50/40 Kilo's & 10 Air Squats Between Hang Cleans

Knee Jump's 
Air Squats

Knee Jumps 
10 Air Squats Between Each hang Cleans

Food for thought
"A man who wants to lead the orchestra must turn his back on the crowd" 
- Max Lucado 

 To our Left is Nathan, He is one of our Member's here at CrossFit Down under, he can jump very high, has the agility of a ninja, is a solid person who you can always count on to cheer you on at the end of a W.O.D  

Wednesdays WOD

Wesnesdays WOD

What Goes Up? Must Come Down
A Descending Ladder?

Back Squat
Sit Ups

Level 1 Empty Barbell / Regular Sit ups
Level 2 30/25 Kilo's Barbell/ Regular Sit ups
Level 3 60/40 Kilo Barbell/ Regular Sit Ups

Level 1 Tabata Planks on Hands
Level 2
Tabata Planks on Wall???? ( New Move) will demonstrate in Class


Tabata Sit Ups
20 seconds on
10 seconds off, Repeat until 4 minutes is up
Run 2 K's
Tabata Sit Ups Repeat for 4 mintues

Monday 3 September 2012

Tuesday's WOD

Tuesday's WOD


For time
Run 400 Meters
Rest 90 seconds
Run 400 Meters
Rest 60 Seconds
Run  400 Meters
Rest 30 Seconds

12 Minute Time Cap
Handstand Push Ups
Push Press 75% of Max Push Press

Lv 1 Regular Push Ups With Feet on Bumper Plates For every 1 Hand Stand Push up 3 Regular Push Ups
Lv 2 Push Ups From a Box For every 1 Handstand Push Up 2 Box push ups
Lv 3 Hand Stand Push Up's

Home WOD

For time
Run 400 Meters
Rest 90 seconds
Run 400 Meters
Rest 60 Seconds
Run  400 Meters
Rest 30 Seconds

Hand Stand Push Up Practice
Try To kick up to a Handstand On a Wall and hold for 10 seconds
10 second holds
30 second breaks
x 10 rounds

Sunday 2 September 2012


Monday's W.O.D

Push Press (Not a Push Jerk, Not a Strict Press, But a Push Press)

two Moves

Push Press


Look I weighed close to 100 kilo's at a crappy height of 5'7 and was able to get one, so no reason why you won't!!

if you have Hand Stand Push Ups for 5-7 every minute on the minute for 20 minutes or as long as you can
If you don't

Do Push Ups from a Box or With your Leg's on a Stool, Box or Chair
5-7  every minute on the minute for 20 minutes!

and If you are Really Far Away
then Perfect your Push ups

7 Push Ups (Perfect and Strict)
Every Minute on the Minute for 20 Minutes

Food for thought
" better than a thousand hollow words is one word that brings peace" - Buddha

This is Eddie one of our Member's He never Gives up, no matter how long it takes, or how grueling the WOD, he is a warrior!

How to maximize your nutrition!

So Most of you Come into the Gym and Ask me what I should Eat
I reply with some form of the Paleo Diet but Tweak it to say Add Diary if you Tolerate it

If you haven't asked me this yet......The Paleo Diet is....

Eat Meat, Chicken and Fish and Don't go crazy with cutting the fat or getting rid of the chicken skin

Stay away from Grains

Don't Eat Sugar

Eat Natural and organic foods that do not have a label

Eat plenty of vegetables and some fruit

and drink plenty of water

But now what ??

Well now comes Quantity
Quality is king ( which is eating whole foods, but not whole grains) and then comes how much of that awesome Food we eat! (Quantity is Queen)

So you mean I can't eat everything I want?
Well that answer depends on your goals!

Portion size even with quality foods can play a factor in your weight control
and although all of us who crossfit say we don't care about six packs but how many GHD sit ups we can do in a minute , as the heat rises maybe deep inside do care a little bit right?

So Things to look out for

How much milk you drink
How many Nuts your Are having a day
How many Vegetables in relations to Protein you are consuming
How often you Mix your Proteins, (Chickens, Meats and Fish)
How often you eat fruit and at what times!
and how many meals you eat in a day!

Timing is Everything, especially if we look at food as fuel

So TODAY"S TIP which is what you all wanted!!

Eat Your Carbohydrates Straight AFTER your WOD
this mean's eat an ORANGE, BANANA, APPLE, strawberries, etc... straight after your WOD for more PR'S

Why? Well because once you've used up all the glycogen (sugar) in your muscles cranking a sub 2 min FRAN ( we all wish right!)
and a quick way of doing so is by consuming Carbohydrates as soon as possible

Everything you eat, gets used by your body and by making sure your carbohydrates get consumed straight after exercise you are ensuring the sugar from the content of these foods goes straight to more PR's and not to your belly,

I hope this Helps for more information Stay tuned to more blog posts and!! our First nutrition Seminar!
Peace !

Your Coach Raul
CrossFit Down Under (Your Box)