Tuesday 28 August 2012

Wednesdays WOD

Wednesdays WOD

Team Row Warm Up 

3 mins Max Rep's 
4 Minute Rest
2 min Max Rep's 
4 Minute Rest
1 Max Rep's 

Level 1 30/25 Kilo's 
Level 2 40/50 Kilo's
Level 3 60/80 Kilo's

First Weight Women's Weight
Second Weight Men's Weight

Wall Climb 

5 Knee Jumps 
 + 2  Diamond Push Ups on the minute for 20 minutes 
so a total of 140 Reps of both movement's by the end 

A knee jump is a Jump from your knees on to your feet explanation can be found on this video link 

to our right is Grant one of our Member's here at CrossFit Down Under , Grant has heart, courage and determination, three of the most essential things to become successful at Anything in life really, He's come a long way since the beginning overcoming back pain and is a personal source of inspiration 

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