Sunday 19 August 2012

Monday 20th of August

Monday 20th of August 

The Swing
The Front Squat
The Snatch

KB Core Work

WOD For time
50 KB Swings
40 KB Snatches
30 KB Sumo Dead Lift High Pull's
20 KB  Single Arm Dead Lift
10 KB Front Squats

Food For Thought
"You May be disappointed if you fail, but you will be doomed if you never Try

5-6-7-8-9-10 STRICT PUSH UP's

Do 5 Strict PUSH UPs but at a 8 second Count EACH
This mean's Each Push Ups Should Take you 8 second to complete
So 5 Reps of Push Ups would take a total of 40 Seconds to Complete
Go as Far up the Ladder as you can While keeping true to this 8 Second Hold Principle
This will help you with developing Static Strength
It's HARD if you do this Right

HOME Conditioning
30 Double Burpee's For time
A double Burpee is a Burpee where at the bottom you perform an extra push up before getting up
@CrossFit Down Under

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