Sunday 26 August 2012

Tuesdays WOD


( a chipper is a long progression of Various Movement's All melted into one work out )
City to Bay is around the Corner so Time to Work on your ENDURANCE

1.2 K Run
100 Sit Ups
90 Air Squats
80 Sit Ups
70 Wall Ball Cleans
60 Sit Ups
50 Kettle bell Swings
40 Sit Ups
30 Dumb Bell Bench Presses (New Movement)
20 Sit Ups
10 Double Burpee's (New movement)
1.2 K Run

Work Outs From now on will be scaled in 3 different Level's
Level 1 (relatively new to crossfit, less than 3 months)
Level 2 (less new to crossfit or high level of fitness)
Level 3 (crossfiting for 5 + months and can do most wods as Rx'd)

For those of you I've spoken to individually about biasing your WODs to work on your weaknesses
Your workout will be slightly different

To our right is Ryan one of our Fire breathers at the gym Doing Grace for the First time (Grace is 30 Reps of a Clean and Jerk at 60 Kilos Rx'd)
Rx'd is our way in CRossFit of saying as Prescribed which means you didn't have to scale the work out to complete it.

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