Wednesday 22 August 2012

Thursday WOD

Thursday 23rd of August

Interval Training
2 minute Stations
Box Jump’s
24/20/16 inches
Single arm Snatches
30/20/10 Kilos
Bench Press
60/40/20 Kilos
For Calories
Rope Climb
 Scaled Version Rope Rows
On a box for assistance Scaled down version
Push Ups on Dumb Bell’s (Extra Depth)
No dumbbell’s scaled down Version
*To Everyone’s Hands who are Ripped (it’s more than 5 which is why I’m writing this) All Pulling Movement’s will be modified

150 Sit ups’
Run 1 K (Fast)
150 Sit Ups
Post times Below

Food for Thought
“Everything has it’s beauty but not everyone sees it”
-          Confucius

One of the Very First Ever Attempt's at Fran by the Crew at our First Location 

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