Thursday 23 August 2012

Friday 24rth of August

Friday's WOD 

Run, Press, Run!!

200 Meter's 
Dumb Bell Presses 21
Run 400 Meter's
Dumb Bell Presses 15
Run 600 Meters
Dumb  Bell Presses 9
Run 400 Meters 
Dumb Bell Presses 15
Run 200 Meters 
Dumb Bell Presses 21 


Sumo Squat ?
A wide squat , much wider than your regular air squat, feet well outside your hips 
ass as low as possible! 
and push your knees out

21 Sumo Squats
9 Close Grip Push Ups
15 Sumo Squats
15 Close Grip Push Ups
9 Sumo Squats
21 Close Grip Push Ups

Food for Thought 
" The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a thing makes it happen"

This is Lauren one of our fire breathers (fire breather = super awesome athlete, in cross fit terms) cranking a 110 kilo deadliftat the old box almost a year a go, well below her current PR

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