Wednesday 29 August 2012

Thursday's WOD

Thursday's Work Out

Part a)
Team Skipping
Double Under's
Single Skips
So in Groups of 3
Work Up to a max Ladder or Double Unders
or Single Skips

Our Standard at the box will be 3 Single Skips for 1 Double Under
so the ladder would look as such

1 Double Under/.2 Double Under's / 3 Double Unders/ etc..
3 Single Skips/ 6 Single Skips/ 9 Single Skips/ 12/15 etc...
10 miunutes

Part b)
10 Rounds

12 DB Dead Lift's
9 DB Hang Cleans
6 DB Presses

Level 3
10 Rounds
+ 20 Close Grip Push Up Buy IN

Level 2
7 Rounds
+ 20 Push Up Buy Out/ scale to knee push up's if needed

Level 1
5 Rounds
No Buy In

With a Skipping Rope
* If you don't have one, go buy one they are 3 dollars from the Reject Shop,

With a Skipping Rope
Over Head Squats
and Double Unders
3 for 1's on the Double Under's so 3 single skips for 1 double under

20 Push Ups Buy IN
Over Head Squats
Double Under's
20 Push Ups buy Out

No Double Unders reps
20 Push Up Buy 1n
21 Over Head Squats
63 Single Skips
15 Over Head squats
45 Single skips
9 Over Head Squats
27 Single Skips
20 Push Up buy out

Below is Joshua 
Doing a 1.3 Meter Box Jump , Joshua is what I call a natural Athlete, he has an uncanny ability to pick up movements and skills at a very high rate,and perform very well, He exceeds in longer work outs and enjoys a giggle or two and is also a very talented singer song writer

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