Wednesday 29 August 2012


Grace/ Grace/ Grace

Box Jump Circuits
10 Reps and Move to the Next Box 5 Rounds
12 inch box
20 inch box
24 inch box
30 inch box

Air Force
20 Over Head Squats
20 Thrusters
20 Push Presses
20 Sumo Dead Lift High Pulls
20 Front Squats


100 Meters
Rest 1 minute
x 10 Rounds

Kellie Cranking Double Under's with 10 Kilo Weighed Vest

Friday's WOD

Friday's WOD

Over Head Squat
Lv1 Broom 20-20-20-20-20
Lv 2 20/25 7-7-7-7-7
Lv 3 35/40  10-7-5-7-10

Technique / Technique /. Technique

30 Reps
Rx'd 60 Kilo's

Home WOD
With a Broom,
*you have a broom
Do 1 Knee Jump then Ladder Up (1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10)
and 10 Over Head Squats ever round
x 10 Rounds

Thursday's WOD

Thursday's Work Out

Part a)
Team Skipping
Double Under's
Single Skips
So in Groups of 3
Work Up to a max Ladder or Double Unders
or Single Skips

Our Standard at the box will be 3 Single Skips for 1 Double Under
so the ladder would look as such

1 Double Under/.2 Double Under's / 3 Double Unders/ etc..
3 Single Skips/ 6 Single Skips/ 9 Single Skips/ 12/15 etc...
10 miunutes

Part b)
10 Rounds

12 DB Dead Lift's
9 DB Hang Cleans
6 DB Presses

Level 3
10 Rounds
+ 20 Close Grip Push Up Buy IN

Level 2
7 Rounds
+ 20 Push Up Buy Out/ scale to knee push up's if needed

Level 1
5 Rounds
No Buy In

With a Skipping Rope
* If you don't have one, go buy one they are 3 dollars from the Reject Shop,

With a Skipping Rope
Over Head Squats
and Double Unders
3 for 1's on the Double Under's so 3 single skips for 1 double under

20 Push Ups Buy IN
Over Head Squats
Double Under's
20 Push Ups buy Out

No Double Unders reps
20 Push Up Buy 1n
21 Over Head Squats
63 Single Skips
15 Over Head squats
45 Single skips
9 Over Head Squats
27 Single Skips
20 Push Up buy out

Below is Joshua 
Doing a 1.3 Meter Box Jump , Joshua is what I call a natural Athlete, he has an uncanny ability to pick up movements and skills at a very high rate,and perform very well, He exceeds in longer work outs and enjoys a giggle or two and is also a very talented singer song writer

Tuesday 28 August 2012

Wednesdays WOD

Wednesdays WOD

Team Row Warm Up 

3 mins Max Rep's 
4 Minute Rest
2 min Max Rep's 
4 Minute Rest
1 Max Rep's 

Level 1 30/25 Kilo's 
Level 2 40/50 Kilo's
Level 3 60/80 Kilo's

First Weight Women's Weight
Second Weight Men's Weight

Wall Climb 

5 Knee Jumps 
 + 2  Diamond Push Ups on the minute for 20 minutes 
so a total of 140 Reps of both movement's by the end 

A knee jump is a Jump from your knees on to your feet explanation can be found on this video link 

to our right is Grant one of our Member's here at CrossFit Down Under , Grant has heart, courage and determination, three of the most essential things to become successful at Anything in life really, He's come a long way since the beginning overcoming back pain and is a personal source of inspiration 

Sunday 26 August 2012

Tuesdays WOD


( a chipper is a long progression of Various Movement's All melted into one work out )
City to Bay is around the Corner so Time to Work on your ENDURANCE

1.2 K Run
100 Sit Ups
90 Air Squats
80 Sit Ups
70 Wall Ball Cleans
60 Sit Ups
50 Kettle bell Swings
40 Sit Ups
30 Dumb Bell Bench Presses (New Movement)
20 Sit Ups
10 Double Burpee's (New movement)
1.2 K Run

Work Outs From now on will be scaled in 3 different Level's
Level 1 (relatively new to crossfit, less than 3 months)
Level 2 (less new to crossfit or high level of fitness)
Level 3 (crossfiting for 5 + months and can do most wods as Rx'd)

For those of you I've spoken to individually about biasing your WODs to work on your weaknesses
Your workout will be slightly different

To our right is Ryan one of our Fire breathers at the gym Doing Grace for the First time (Grace is 30 Reps of a Clean and Jerk at 60 Kilos Rx'd)
Rx'd is our way in CRossFit of saying as Prescribed which means you didn't have to scale the work out to complete it.

Monday's WOD

Monday's WOD

Bench Press 
Build up to a 1 Rep Max 
with Good Form 


Death by Push Up's 
Start at 3 
and Every 30 Seconds add 1 Rep! 

WOD (Met Con) 

50 Air Squats
600 Meter Run
50 Air Squats

Time To beat for the Day so far 5:16 Malcolm 

To our Right is Rosie one of our Member's Doing her First Power Clean , I wish m Elbows were that high The first Time I did mine 

Food For Thought 
" Success is never final, failure is never fatal, courage is what counts" 
Winston Churchill 

Thursday 23 August 2012

Saturday's WOD


5 Rounds

400 Meter's
15 40 Rx'd/30 Rx'd kilo overhead squats

This work out will be scaled to suit all levels
so don't Freak out!



400 Meter RUN


x 5 RoundsThis is David one of our Member's here at CrossFit Down Under Watch out for his incredible ability to swing heavy kettle bells with ease and crank pistols (single leg squats) with incredible ease
Food for thought"Do you what you love and you'll love what you do"  

Friday 24rth of August

Friday's WOD 

Run, Press, Run!!

200 Meter's 
Dumb Bell Presses 21
Run 400 Meter's
Dumb Bell Presses 15
Run 600 Meters
Dumb  Bell Presses 9
Run 400 Meters 
Dumb Bell Presses 15
Run 200 Meters 
Dumb Bell Presses 21 


Sumo Squat ?
A wide squat , much wider than your regular air squat, feet well outside your hips 
ass as low as possible! 
and push your knees out

21 Sumo Squats
9 Close Grip Push Ups
15 Sumo Squats
15 Close Grip Push Ups
9 Sumo Squats
21 Close Grip Push Ups

Food for Thought 
" The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a thing makes it happen"

This is Lauren one of our fire breathers (fire breather = super awesome athlete, in cross fit terms) cranking a 110 kilo deadliftat the old box almost a year a go, well below her current PR

Wednesday 22 August 2012

Thursday WOD

Thursday 23rd of August

Interval Training
2 minute Stations
Box Jump’s
24/20/16 inches
Single arm Snatches
30/20/10 Kilos
Bench Press
60/40/20 Kilos
For Calories
Rope Climb
 Scaled Version Rope Rows
On a box for assistance Scaled down version
Push Ups on Dumb Bell’s (Extra Depth)
No dumbbell’s scaled down Version
*To Everyone’s Hands who are Ripped (it’s more than 5 which is why I’m writing this) All Pulling Movement’s will be modified

150 Sit ups’
Run 1 K (Fast)
150 Sit Ups
Post times Below

Food for Thought
“Everything has it’s beauty but not everyone sees it”
-          Confucius

One of the Very First Ever Attempt's at Fran by the Crew at our First Location 

Tuesday 21 August 2012

Wednesday 22nd of August WOD

Wednesday 22nd of August WOD

Today's WOD 

5x5 Back Squat 

+ Accessory ZERCHER Squat's

No Metcon Today Gotta Work on our STRENGTH



20 seconds on 10 seconds Off (4 minutes Total) 
BOTTOM TO BOTTOM means your break is taken in a squat position at the bottom of the squat ,this hurts twice as much as regular tabata's 
20 seconds on / 10 seconds Off 


Tabata Squats 
Tabata Push Up's
Kettle Bell Swings 
120 Meter Runs 
This is Ty one of our Member's here at CFDU Cranking some pull up's back at our old Location 

Food for Thought 
"The secret to success is consistency of Purpose" 

Monday 20 August 2012

Tuesday 21st of August

Tuesday 21st of August 

Pull Ups 

Modified Helen
400 Meter Run 
21 Kettlebell Swings 
12 Burpee's
x 3 Rounds 

400 Meter Run 
10 Wall Climbs 
x 3 Rounds

Food for Thought
"Twenty Years from Now you Will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do.So Throw off the bowlines, Sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, Explore, Dream, Discover" 
-Mark Twain
This is picture of the Old GYM the First Time I ever Front Squatted a 110 Kilo's 

Sunday 19 August 2012

Monday 20th of August

Monday 20th of August 

The Swing
The Front Squat
The Snatch

KB Core Work

WOD For time
50 KB Swings
40 KB Snatches
30 KB Sumo Dead Lift High Pull's
20 KB  Single Arm Dead Lift
10 KB Front Squats

Food For Thought
"You May be disappointed if you fail, but you will be doomed if you never Try

5-6-7-8-9-10 STRICT PUSH UP's

Do 5 Strict PUSH UPs but at a 8 second Count EACH
This mean's Each Push Ups Should Take you 8 second to complete
So 5 Reps of Push Ups would take a total of 40 Seconds to Complete
Go as Far up the Ladder as you can While keeping true to this 8 Second Hold Principle
This will help you with developing Static Strength
It's HARD if you do this Right

HOME Conditioning
30 Double Burpee's For time
A double Burpee is a Burpee where at the bottom you perform an extra push up before getting up
@CrossFit Down Under

Sunday 5 August 2012

Which adaptation of CrossFit makes people better?

When you Start CrossFit you start realizing that lot's of changes start occurring

Lots of Physical Changes right...
Like you get stronger
more agile
More Explosive
More obsessed about Food

All these changes fall short to the Greatest change of all
The Adaptation that occurs between your Ears

The realization
that Yes this is really hard
But that you can always keep going
and that the boundaries and the limits of what we think we are capable of are invisible constructs that are completely untrue and placed there by our own fears and self limiting Beliefs

So next time you encounter a weight that seems to heavy to handle or met con that seems too grueling to complete
Remember that there was a time when
An Air Squat Seemed Hard
or a 5 K Run seemed long
or a 50 or 30 kilo Clean and Jerk Seemed Heavy

Keeping Having faith in yourself and beautiful things will come :-)

Head Trainer/ Owner
CrossFit Down  Under