Sunday 29 April 2012

Spare Tyres, Love handles and Sit ups

Spare Tyres, love Handles and Sit Ups

Every Now and then I get asked this question below

How Do I get rid of my belly fat? Because I’ve been doing tons of Crunches and sit ups and nothing is happening *Sad Face*

I then half heartedly try to explain that you can’t choose where to lose fat from and try to explain the value of sit ups, but most people stop hearing what they want to hear and tune out
Well if you are part of the percentage of people who actually want to know the answer to this question then please proceed
Fact 1) You cannot decide where to lose fat from
Fact 2) If you are still overweight you are eating too much for your bodies need
Fact 3) Weight loss is hard and not an overnight miracle, it takes hard work, dedication and discipline
Fact 4) Weight Loss and Health are not always the same thing and it’s important to decide which one you want to be, both will get you at the same point in life, but in different ways and times
Fact 5) Sit Ups are a great Abdominal and Hip exercise
Now we have these facts but what can we do about it , you want some practical advice that you can actually use right!
Tip 1 ) Define your end goal, e.g. weight loss, becoming healthier, becoming fitter etc
Tip 2) Understand what it’s going to take to reach your goals
Tip 3) Create Goals, and set a date for when you would like to achieve them
Tip 4) Understand that failing to meet these goals in your set dates is not the end of the world, success is created by the ability to fail, and proceed continuously until you reach to your goal
Tip 5) Realize that you need these plans in place  -
-          A lifestyle Eating diet/plan/guide
-          A Fitness plan/strategy/goal
-          Over 5 different goals you would like to reach
-          A Personal life Strategy so that you keep yourself motivated
Tip 6) Food Tip, Eat Real Food, Stay away from the supermarket isles, stay on the outside of the supermarket
Tip 7) Train with intensity
Tip 8) Dream Big and Go for your goals regardless of how realistic they are, nothing great has ever come from being realistic or listening to people who bring you down or tell you, you can’t do what it is you want to do
Tip 9) Surround yourself with people who build you up and support your dreams
Tip 10 ) Learn more about yourself, what motivates you and inspires you and realize that motivation is not given to us, we have to take it and continually feed it to our brain. 

Owner / Head Trainer
CrossFit Down Under

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