Tuesday 17 April 2012

Just Show Up

Just Show Up!

So much of life is just showing up! As woody Allen famously quoted “80 percent of success in life is just showing up”.
But showing up where? You may be asking yourself...
Showing up to practice, showing up to training, showing up to work, showing up to opportunities, showing up to meetings, showing up to doing the right thing, showing up and not running away from the things you’ve got to do!
So life get’s in the way sometimes.
But when you have a mission and purpose you shouldn’t let life stop you
you make life get around your way!
You’ve got show up regardless of the obstacles placed in front of you or the circumstances you might find yourself in
Showing up everyday develops discipline
Discipline develops a routine
A routine takes you in a direction
And greatness is routine and a way of life, not a magical thing that happens sometimes and not others, greatness comes from being the best every time, because you show up and because you don’t make or let excuses get in the way of you achieving your goals
We all know there are times when we don’t show up, and then that one time becomes two and then three becomes four and five becomes seven, before you know it seven become ten and you quit.
Nothing worthwhile in this life comes from quitting
So Just show up,
You know where you have to be
And take note that sometimes Showing up is all it takes to get better or improve in an area of your life
When you begin a diet, don’t go crazy and just eat lettuce and water for 3 weeks, but eat lettuce everyday and then introduce other healthier foods into your lifestyle, slowly but surely consistency will bring you great results
When you start training for a goal, weight loss, race, etc.. Don’t try and kill it in the gym like crazy the first day (no one cares), but at least show up everyday and give yourself the chance to succeed
When you learn an instrument don’t just give up because you can’t play like Hendrix on the first try but keep showing up to your guitar and practice with it and in time who knows how you’ll play
Don’t lie to yourself and say you can’t learn gymnastics when you’ve never shown up to practice to even understand how you could begin

So.....Show up.

Qualified Personal Trainer
Level 1 CrossFit Trainer
Certificate in Fitness III
Certificate in Fitness IV
Registered with Fitness Australia
Head Trainer/ Owner- CrossFit Down Under

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