Friday 20 April 2012

What is CrossFit?

What is CrossFit?

I could begin and finish this article by saying CrossFit is .... “The greatest fitness program ever”
But to truly understand what CrossFit is and why I think so highly of it, I believe we need to establish some ideas and define some terms.
I see CrossFit as something more than just a fitness training program, I see it as a tool to understand ourselves.
From the technical aspect CrossFit is
“Constantly Varied Functional Movements Performed at High Intensity Across Broad Times and modal domains”
But what does this mean?
We’ll Let’s Break it down

Constantly Varied refers to training in as many different ways as you possibly can

Functional Movements refer to Training with  movements that are classified as functional to humans e.g. putting things over head, lifting things from the ground, lifting heavy things, sprints, running for a long time, rowing, climbing a rope, climbing a wall, squatting etc...

Performed at High Intensity  which refers training with a high power output of energy, training with a high level of exertion , to put it plainly training really hard with a lot effort

Across Broad times and modal domains refers to training in different time frames, so for example think of sprinting, you can’t sprint a marathon you can only really sprint 100 meters unless you are an elite sprinter

Now another example is a marathon runner who trains in the 2 hours plus zone
Training in different time frames produces different responses from the body which is why it’s important to train in as many different times frames as we can for example training for 2 minutes, for 10 minutes, for 20 + minutes and sometimes for over an hour

Modal domains refers to training using different energy systems and muscle recruitment patterns so for example weight lifting produces a different effect on the body than running does which is why it’s important to train in both to be able to benefit from as many different stimulus to achieve greater fitness

Now Let's Define Fitness

Easy being Proficient in the following 

  • Cardio Respiratory Endurance
  • Strength
  • Stamina
  • Flexibility
  • Accuracy
  • Co ordination
  • Agility 
  • Speed 
  • Power
  • Balance 
If you are too proficient in one of these and not as proficient in the others then you are not the fittest version of yourself , you are a specialist but you are not Fit ,being strong does not make you fit, being a good runner does not make you fit, being a gymnasts does not make you fit

Fitness comes from the ability to be a good runner and weightlifter who can swim and also do gymnastics 

But where does the magic lie?

Well the magic of CrossFit lies in training

The act of striving to being better than you were yesterday at something
We don’t train to get worse , we train to get better

And constant training towards getting better is really where the magic happens in the Training, because it forces you to continually confront the things we don’t want to do.
In CrossFit we constantly look fear in the eyes and beat it down through pure will and perseverance
CrossFit is really a life training program that will train your mindset, your will and will have you look deep into the depths of your conscience to really ask the hard questions like
“What am I made of?”
“Who do I want to be?”
CrossFit is the most elite training program in the world if you want it to be, but it’s not for the elite
CrossFit is for everybody and anybody who aspires to be Elite at life
And please understand that distinction, it’s not for those who are  elite but for those who want  to be elite
Now My question for you is

you want 
to be Elite in life?

Peace Ya’ll

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