Sunday 15 April 2012

Why I Think Treadmill's Suck

Why I think Tread Mill’s Suck
Yes I said it, they suck!
Running on a treadmill has nothing to do with actual Running.
To put it Simply Running on a treadmill will only help you get better at running on the spot
Running on a treadmill makes you no better than a hamster on a ridiculous endless wheel
Running on a  treadmill is easy, let’s face it, this is why we do it , its too cold outside, its too hot outside, its too 26 degree’s outside when I’d like it to be 22, you know what I mean and catch my drift but let’s get serious, this is why running on the treadmill is useless

·         Your body adapts to the stimulus too quickly because there is no variance in the running.
·         Why Would you care about body adaptation, well if you are trying to lose weight, this means your body will very quickly realize how to most effectively stop using excess energy while running on this apparatus
·         But I use incline? Okay fair enough incline running on Treadmill can be beneficial but chances are your treadmill does not go that high or you put it up for a second and then take it off
·         They only re-enforce bad running technique
·         You get no forward propulsion; This is the acceleration of speed when you are running anywhere but on this apparatus
·         Running a 5 K on a treadmill feel’s nothing like running a 5 K race
·         Running a 12 K definitely feel’s nothing like running a 12 K race
·         Yes you develop some aerobic endurance but it’s nothing like you would develop if you trained outside on terrains that have hills and turns and obstacles.

Reasons Why Running Outside is Better
·         It Toughens you up
·         No Seriously it toughens you up and if you are trying to cut down your running times a bit of toughness will go a long way
·         It is unpredictable, sometimes there are hills, sometimes there’s dirt, concrete, grass, parks all of these things give variance to your running
·         You Choose your Intensity , This may not apply to every body but if you are practicing sprints , you won’t be able to achieve the same level of acceleration on a treadmill as you would on a free space
·         More realistic to sports and races
·         Hill Running!
·         Run hills for a bit and your regular runs around the block will feel like a joke
·         Running with others! Your only as good as who you train with and if you don’t add a bit of competition your only going to get so far
·         Running Drills and different running techniques ; Try running backwards, side ways, with high knee’s, while kicking your butt,etc.
·         Running with an object (so you can do this on a treadmill but it’s going to be too easy so step it up and try running with a sand bag on your shoulder outside (great for creating a really strong core)
·         Amazing sceneries
·         Go places, get out of the house, don’t run in front of our t.v. if you can run while watching Dr. Phil you are not running to the best of your abilities

This list could go on and on and on and on, but I’ve decided to make it short
I hope this makes sense and encourages you to run outside, toughen up and enjoy the cold, the hot, the rain and dirt.

P.S  I am not hating on you if you run on treadmill’s I am hating on the fitness industry that sold you one.

Qualified Personal Trainer
Level 1 CrossFit Trainer
Certificate in Fitness III
Certificate in Fitness IV
Registered with Fitness Australia
Head Trainer/ Owner- CrossFit Down Under

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