Friday 20 April 2012



What are you feeding yourself?

Don’t think about your food I am not talking about that,

I am talking about..... what are you really feeding yourself
What Ideas, beliefs, thoughts and mindsets do you have about life?
And do they help you achieve your goals?
Or do these believes hinder you from being the best version of yourself?
What are the people around you like?
Do they build you up or do they tear you down?
Before you ever really begin to understand the importance of good nutrients into your body you have to understand the importance of great thoughts in your life
You have to understand the importance of a great mindset
Successful people, don’t recognize failure as the end of the road but a stepping stone to a greater day

Calm people don’t look for confrontations in their lives, it’s not that confrontations don’t exist in their life, they just choose to treat confrontational situations differently
Can you see where I am going with this

Understand what it is you are feeding yourself
And recognize that to be the best version of ourselves we are going to have to feed ourselves some pretty awesomely good nutritious thoughts, beliefs, ideas and mindsets about the world we live

Challenge: I Challenge you to write a belief that makes your life better
I’ll write one of mine

“I believe that Hard work pays off”

*I am not sure if it’s true, or if hard work is really the best way to achieve things , but this belief serves more purpose than not

Anyway that’s all from me Tonight , Take care

Write Soon
From your Friendly Blogger

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