Tuesday 17 April 2012

Why not to waste your time on infomercials!

Why not to waste your time on Infomercials!

So here is a fact.

About 99.9% of all fitness and health infomercials are bullshit and use a 30 minute long add to make you feel crap about yourself to sell you a shit product that does nothing for you but lose weight out of your wallet.
Here are some info/ fitness/ gadgets that do not work

   The Ab Circle Pro
·         The Ab swing
·         The Ab King
·         The Ab King Pro
·         The Ab Blaster
·         The Ab Rocker
·         The Ab “Insert random word here”

Here is another fact the people with six packs modelling for these fitness gadget commercials would never actually use the equipment being used

Here is another fact, exercise is free!! Good Old Fashioned body weight training has been getting gymnasts and martial artists with muscular stomachs for centuries.

Here is an even better fact, what do you doing Staying Up this late anyway Watching Infomercial’s

So What can you do? You may be asking

Here is some advice

Just Eat Real Food

What may that be , well you know this, i know this, vegetable lasagne knows this but basically
Eat your
·         Vegetables
·         Fruits
·         Meats
·         Nuts
·         Seed’s
And try these Work out’s

If you are fit
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1  Sit Ups and Push Ups, Every minute on the minute do 5 Burpee’s
And if you haven’t exercised in a while
10-5-3 Push Ups on your knee’s and sit ups with an anchor on your feet,

Peace Ya’ll

Qualified Personal Trainer
Level 1 CrossFit Trainer
Certificate in Fitness III
Certificate in Fitness IV
Registered with Fitness Australia
Head Trainer/ Owner- CrossFit Down Under

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