Sunday 29 April 2012

Why Mainstream Gyms Suck!

Mainstream Gym’s Suck

Here’s a scenario, you can’t drop weights on the ground, there is no space to run, it’s full of machines where people are running like hamsters on the same spot over and over again. There are expensive televisions on the walls but very few dumb bells, you can get told off if you don’t wipe your sweat off the benches. The people in this place don’t know your name and most likely don’t care. The place is full of recycled air and let’s admit it it’s always too cold no matter how hot it is outside.

There are useless machines in these places called elliptical’s which make you look like a gazelle which has had its legs trapped in an endless moving apparatus. It’s full of isolation machines which are great if you want to become a professional body builder but completely useless for almost anything else. 

This place is also full of mirrors which always make me think about weather this place is actually a mirror store. In very few of these places will we ever see any actual useful fitness devises or equipment.

Where are the gymnastics rings, where at the Olympic bumper plates, where are the Medicine balls, where is the space to run, where are the pull up bars, where is the space to practice body weight movements, where are the skipping ropes, where are the people who actually want to get fit?

In these interesting boxes you will also find a handful of people who attend these places but never ever actually get to meet each other. Too busy with headphones in their ears or staring into their televisions while calmly pacing themselves on their recliner bicycle.
Most of these places call themselves But!!! I am here to argue that in most of these buildings it is actually very hard to get Fit

What are your thoughts?

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