Thursday 19 April 2012

Why not to Trust most personal Trainers and the fitness industry

Why Not to Trust most personal Trainers and the Fitness industry

·         Fact No. 1 The Fitness industry sells fitness products
·         Fact 2. To fitness professionals
·         Fact 3 Who then go and try and convince you that these fitness products are essential
·         Fact 4 Why am I ranting on about this?
·         Fact 5 Because They keep trying to convince me that Sit ups do nothing for my core and that Pull ups are going to hurt my shoulders and that I shouldn’t squat below parallel
·         Fact 6 And because they keep trying to sell me this stupid heart rate monitors

Okay so here is the truth, Gymnasts and Martial Artists , well the art of these disciplines and their training techniques have been around for a long

And Their training techniques work, hey who would have thought

But come around the 21st Century and the fitness industry will have you believe that sit ups are not good for your core and that squatting below 90 degrees hurt your knees and that older people shouldn’t exercise and that kids who are only 13 with 7 months and 4 days should lift weights, They come up with all of this bogus information about training and development and they get so far up their own ass in bullshit that they forget to take a look at what centuries of training techniques have done to achieving the amazing prowess that gymnasts and martial artists still posses over other sports.  

Here is a fact you cannot go wrong with the
Push Up
Pull Up
Sit Up
At the end of the day everything you do will come back to these 4 movements in one way or another
And mastering them is key

So don’t let the fitness industry fool you when they talk to you about swiss balls being the end be all of training or trainers when they tell you that you need more core strength from doing funny yoga looking poses on a funny apparatus .

Sorry for my rant but I had a company approach to sponsor one of their silly products and I lost the plot, anyway take care
Peace out

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