Thursday 19 April 2012

What is Success?

What is Success?

I have been obsessed with this question for quite a while
As have a million other people
And I don’t claim to have a special answer to this question or helping you achieve success
But I will give you a perspective

Success in my life has been the “Journey” and “act of achieving what I have set myself out to achieve.

Some of the things I have set out to achieve have taken me many years, some of them have taken  blood, sweat and tears.

But what is important of achieving anything and being successful in doing so is recognizing

The skill and ability to persevere through conflict, obstacles and failures

Success comes the ability to stare at Failure in the face and being brave enough to say

“I am going to try again”

The ability to try and continue until you receive the result you are after....

Life is neither a marathon nor a sprint, it’s more like a CrossFit work out

You never know what’s going to be thrown at you, but you better be ready for whatever comes out
And nothing is more important than facing these challenges head on to the best of our abilities

“Success the ability to achieve the goals we set out for ourselves”

But I tried something and it got too hard
Or it wasn’t what it thought it was going to be

Here is what I really learnt to understand of achieving Success

“Success is ability to not bullshit to yourself and genuinely and honestly admit to yourself what your priorities are and going after your priorities in life regardless of what obstacles are placed in front of you”

Really admitting to yourself what you truly want from life is one of the real key successes to achieving in goal you set out for yourself

But you can’t choose any goal
You must choose a goal you are ready to pursue none of this half assed shit you know you do from time to time, I mean really go after it

What I am talking about is going after something you want so much that you will sacrifice anything for it
Anything? ......

Yes Anything!!
Because when you have your priorities straight you know what you are willing to sacrifice to get there!

Anyway Take Care Peep’s

Peace Ya’ll

P.S Remember get your priorities straight and then and only then can you truly be successful in what you decide

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