Thursday 19 April 2012

What is in our Control?

What is in our Control?
Too often in life we preoccupy our brains with the things that are outside of our control
And too often we pay no attention to the things we do have control over

Today I’d like to delve into Control and how understanding what we control and de associating ourselves from the things we have no control over can help us achieve our goals in a much smoother fashion.

Somebody once told me (P.s no actually told me this, but it sounds better when I let people imagine that I hang out with really insightful old wise men) that

“Is not what happens to us”
“What we do, with what happens to us”

We could sit here all day winging about the things we have no control over, like the people who have hurt us, or those who do us wrong, or the fact that your phone hates you because it decided to have a flat battery just when you had a really important call


We could sit here and realize that there are thousands of actions, thoughts and patterns which we control  every day which dictate the course of our life

In Life I have realized that the truth of the matter is not as important as what we do with the “beliefs”  which we may call truths that we tell ourselves

Here is a belief
“I will not get upset that things get too hard”
I will
“Be Upset that I am not better”
“I can control improving myself everyday”

The realization of being able to focus your energy towards improvement
will be infinitely more beneficial than the realization of our constant winging about the things we have no control over

“Don’t get angry you haven’t lost the weight you wanted to”
“Understand that there are more things you can take control of to help you achieve your goal

Understand that
We are not a victim of our circumstances but a hero waiting to prove our circumstances wrong

Peace Ya’ll


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