Tuesday 17 April 2012

Why Can't I Lose Weight!

Why Can’t I lose weight!

A lot of people ask me all day long, how can I lose weight? And I have found myself giving the same answer over and over again in a million different ways hoping that people understand it.

Weight loss is much more than just losing fat, it’s about understanding “Goal setting” and “Goal achievement”.

You may not know what I am referring to with this and you may be asking yourself,

I thought you were going to tell me that McDonalds is bad that the new Gillian Michael’s “Super Shredded bikini abs” was the solution well we both know that McDonalds is not the healthiest option and we both know that Gillian Michael’s is not our cure.

What we really have to look into is asking ourselves “How much do I really want to lose weight?”

Do you want to lose weight more you want to go out on Saturday night and get trashed?

Do you want to lose weight more than you want to eat chocolate every time you see it?

Do you want to exercise more than you want to sit down after work and munch on some chips whilst watching the biggest loser?

Do you want to look in the mirror everyday and say tomorrow is the day everything changes?

Or Do you want to be the person who looks in the mirror and says “I did everything I could today”

This is the most practical piece of advice I could give you

Ask yourself the tough questions!

Ask yourself what you really want out of life and don’t be afraid of the answer

Unless you really, really, really want to lose weight it’s not going to happen

It takes a lot of hard work

It’s not about finding a great coach, personal trainer, magical pill, exercise program, perfect diet

What weight loss is really about

is about finding yourself! (Sorry if we got too deep and meaningful here)

But this is the honest truth, Weight loss is about Finding out who you are right now and who you would like to become and realizing that to become somebody that you are not,

You are going to have to Sacrifice who you are for what you could become!

There I said it, I gave the magic pill

Ask yourself the Tough Questions
Find out who you are
Find out who you want to be
Be consistent
Show Up Everyday
Continually stare fear and obstacles in the face and don’t let them derail you from your goal

Here is another tip

“Successful people fail a lot more than normal people”

 And if you are going to be successful in losing weight, don’t be afraid of admitting your failures or accepting that sometimes we are not perfect

It’s not what happens to us in life, it’s about what we do with what happens to us!

Peace Ya’ll

Take care

Your not so Friendly but Truthful Blogger

Qualified Personal Trainer
Level 1 CrossFit Trainer
Certificate in Fitness III
Certificate in Fitness IV
Registered with Fitness Australia
Head Trainer/ Owner- CrossFit Down Under

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