Wednesday 2 May 2012

Which is the Best Diet?

Which is the best Diet?

Well first of all I want to start by saying something that you most likely know, which is that diet’s don’t work, because most of them are simple unsustainable. Most people when they begin diets, they go really hard core with them for about 3 weeks, they eat nothing but lettuce and water lose a couple of kilos and then forget all about it around week 3.

Most people then repeat this cycle over again (no shame if you have done this, I too have done this many times)  a couple of months later down the track and this process pretty much continues for the rest of life.

Well I would like to suggest for you to consider weight loss, getting healthier and getting fitter as a lifestyle change and a word that I like even better is a LIFESTYLE UPGRADE.

You are UPGRADING the quality of food you consume because you care about yourself and how you treat your body. Here’s a hint if you don’t care know, your body sure ain’t going to care for you later on in life.

But now onto Tip’s,

Because these blogs would be useless if I didn’t actually give you something that was both insightful but also practically helpful.

Tip No 1) There is a lot of BS when it comes to nutrition being preached by everybody out there, most people regurgitate the same crap other people say, so be weary of the information you take in.

Tip No 2) It’s not true that you need 6 small meals a day, cavemen and your grandparents weren’t thinking 6 small meals to stay lean

Tip No 3) Exercise doesn’t really really help you lose weight, it’s helpful for a lot of things, but you can’t outrun KFC or whole Block of CHOCOLATE

Tip No 4) Learn to Snack things which are good for you, so find fruit that you actually like, experiment which different types of fruits, nuts, yoghurts, berries

Tip No 5) Read these books, The Gabriel Method, The Paleo Zone, Why we get fat , these are all great insightful books into nutrition

Tip No 6) Get healthy, so this mean’s don’t have un healthy habits such as smoking, drinking, etc..

Tip No 7) Nutrition is about 3 things, Carbohydrates, Protein and Fat, Most of us eat too many carbs, not enough fat and when we do eat protein we buy unhealthy supplements

Tip No 8) Don’t waste your money on supplement’s (ever.......uuuhhh I went there) until you have mastered a healthy eating lifestyle  

Tip No 9) You know what healthy eating is, Veggies, Fruits, nuts , Meat’s

Tip no 10) Stay away from Flour (even Whole meal)

Tip No 11) Stay Away from Grain and most seeds (but my oat meal, its just carbs)

Tip No 12) Really losing weight will you to actually have to learn a lot so start 
sharpening the old brain

Tip no 13) Eat good fats, this includes the fat in your meats, chicken skin, butter, milk etc..

Tip no 14) Low fat = High Sugar Anything that is low fat is almost always high sugar and if it’s not then its high salt , sodium salt that is and you get way too much of that anyway.

Tip no 15) Stay away from Protein Powder’s , they will just get you fat

Tip no 16) Eat less than you are eating now

Tip no 17) No Sweet’s the more you give your self sweets, the more you will develop a sweet tooth and the more you develop one the more you’ll crave sugar, the longer you can starve off sugar the better you will become at controlling your impulses

Tip no 18) No one care’s if you fall off the band wagon, look in life we fail, but it doesn’t matter as long as you keep trying and keep trying to constantly upgrade your eating habits so What can you do tonight to make your life healthier?

Web, Suscribe to my blog, i will keep posting useful information

Go to check out underground wellness on youtube, or itunes,

Go look up the paleo diet , (it’s not really a diet, its a lifestyle)

And find some people who are going to keep you accountable, Friends, family, a trainer, a mentor etc...

Peace Ya’ll
Owner/ Head Trainer
CrossFit Down Under

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