Thursday 3 May 2012

Will I lose weight and bulk up with CrossFit?

Yes.. simple answer

Okay but seriously let's break it down

CrossFit will crush you.... regardless of your fitness level (you can be a navy seal an AFL player , an MMA Fighter these work outs will crush you)
but if you are just starting out, and have never done anything physical in your life
we can scale these work outs to suit your fitness level
We can teach you to Run
We can teach you how to do a proper squat for healthy knee's
Teach you how to build strength in your pulling and pushing
and a whole bunch of other cools things like
-olympic lifting

In CrossFit we believe it's important to chase performance.....
This mean's we believe that it's more important that you can do more work in less time's than if you just look great in the gym

I see this time and time again, pretty boy with lots of muscles comes in and get's crushed by simple work outs involving push ups and squats

Or athletic girl whose always just played (let's say soccer) comes in and again get's crushed by everything that suit her soccer body, in most cases strength,

I've also same boy and girl, woman and man, become beasts from deciding to challenge themselves

CrossFit will make you better in all aspects of fitness, because we train all aspects of fitness, we train for 1 minute, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 30 plus minutes hitting all the energy systems in the body
Phospogenic (Power)
Anaerobic(0-2 minutes)
Aerobic (2 minutes plus)

We lift heavy , we lift explosively

We pay attention and practice body weight movement's

We practice skill's such as double unders, rope climbing, balancing, L sit's

CrossFit doesn't ask you to be perfect, it only asks you to Try and have the willingness to get better at things you might think are at one stage impossible

We won't ask you to dead lift 200 kilos on your first day , you might just lift 5
We won't ask you to run a 5 k if you've never done it but we might ask you to Jog or walk 3 at your pace

The greatest adaptation to CrossFit happen's between your ears
Which mean's the reason why people get better by Crossfit is because they learn to push through self limiting beliefs of human ability and performance

Here's a Guarantee if you chase a sub 20 minute 5 K , chances are you will start losing weight,
If you chase a triple digit deadlift ,chances are you will build some muscle

I hope these statement's make sense and that you understand the value of chasing performance and not look's
The look's will follow if you keep searching for a better performance out of yourself

Most Fitness Program's culminate at a peak , for example most fitness program's have a beginner, intermediate and Advanced level, CrossFit doesn't,

CrossFit is a world wide community of amazing human beings who keep chasing and pushing the envelope of what is known to be humanly possible

While you are calmly running on your treadmill at home my athletes (which are everyday people) were doing sprints with 20 kilo sand bags on their shoulder's

So here's my proposal to you, chase for a better performance in your training and your training will reward you
With Weight Loss
and Strength Gains
and Muscle

Remember CrossFit is this

Just as Much as it is this ...

BTW yes this Grandma does do CrossFit , she is dead lifting 70 Kilos (the photo is real)


CrossFit Down Under

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