Tuesday 8 May 2012

Best Core Exercise?

What is the best Core exercise?

Short and Sweet Answer
Depends what you are asking?
For me this questions would be something like
“What is the best core exercise....so I can hold 200 KG Front Squat without tilting forward?”
For you it might be “What is the best core exercise so I can get a six up?”
For someone else it might be “What is the best core exercise so I don’t keep suffering from back pain?”
So it depends what level you are at, a sit up to you is different than a sit up for me
And it depends which question you are asking
Here are some fundamental Core exercises that will develop strength in your mid region
For Weight loss, none, you need to fix your diet.
But sit ups, leg raises, crunches won’t hurt you.
For A stronger body to lift heavy weight’s, front squats, zercher squats, GHD sit ups, GHD sit Ups to push presses, agility ladder planks, Walking planks with dumb bell’s, Tornado Ball slams, etc...( I will make a video on all of these
To fix your Low back pain
Perfect Front Squats, Zercher Squats, 180 degree GHD sit ups, no leg raises, no crunches, single arm bench presses, single arm  over head presses, strict pull ups, strict presses, etc.. the list could go on, so you get the idea
To Get better at gymnastics
Front levers, toes to bars, knee’s to elbows, head stand upside down leg raises, etc...
The point of this blog is that you need to be very specific when answering or reading the answer to this question in magazines, because without the specificity the exercise could be useless to you.
Hope this Helps Peep’s

Peace Out 

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