Sunday 13 May 2012



Why do we perform better in some situations than others?
This could be because of a huge factor of things such as
·         Nutrition
·         Weather
·         Fatigue
·         Adrenaline
·         Competition
·         Comfort zone
·         Uncomfortable zone
·         etc
We are going to concentrate on our training
and before we train, we should make a decision
This decision should be one that’s made with bravery
The question we need to ask ourselves before every work out is...
“Are we going to get after it?”
When we compete against each other in our Work Out’s of The day sometimes we let each others ability get inside of our head, sometimes we decide that we will take second place before it even happens because that there is no way in hell we will ever crush those 100 squats as fast the person in front of us.
What we have to understand is that CrossFit and most of life for that matter isn’t a competition against somebody else, but a competition against our self, it’s a mental game
It’s a game where we need to show ourselves that we are capable of doing things we couldn’t do yesterday, we demonstrate this all the time in our feats of strength, when strength nights pop around, we surprise ourselves with showing ourselves that we can over head squat a little bit more than before , you know the drill
Now what you have to learn to do is believe that you can accomplish the impossible before you begin your WOD’s by preparing and admitting to yourself that the next 5-15 minutes, however long, are going to be hell and that you are going to give it everything you have throughout that time
The mental Game is one that is linked directly to performance, a lot of our greatest improvements in fitness happen inside of our heads, when we realize that our ability to push ourselves begins and ends with the questions and answers that we give ourselves when we experience pain and discomfort.
Think about what it is you say to yourself when your experiencing pain, discomfort and that burning sensation inside of your muscles.
How do you reply to yourself? When you find yourself looking for an excuse to quit?
What have you told yourself in the past? Thats made you successful at times
What drives you to want to crush your competition?
Are you ready silence the negativity inside of your head?
Train with the mindset of a warrior and you’ll become one
And Remember the only person we are going against is our self and that to increase our performance a lot of the time we have to improve how we talk to ourselves when the going gets tough and learn to change our responses to our own questions inside of our heads.

Head Trainer/ Owner
CrossFit Down Under 

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