Sunday 27 May 2012

Free Fitness Program!

So Because I would the world to be a fitter, friendlier place :-)
Here is a Free Weight Loss Program, you can try out at your gym or at home if you don't have any equipment

Week 1


do 21 reps of movement A) followed immediately by movement B) , then do the same with 15 and 9 reps of each movement, there is no break between these movement's

Record your time, and re test at the end of four weeks

A)Squats (your hip must go below your knee when you are going for depth)
B) Push Ups


Run 3 K's
Row 6 K's

Time yourself Again
and repeat in 4 week's



Do 10 reps of movement A) and then 10 Reps of Movement B) and then 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 of both movements till you get to 1

A)Step Ups or Box Jump's to a bench
B)Sit Ups

Week 2


A)Jump Rope
B)Pull Ups or Inverted rows

Workout is exactly as follows

100 Jump Rope single skips
5 pull ups or 10 inverted rows
80 Jump Rope single skips
4 Pull Ups or 8 inverted rows
60 Jump rope Single skips
3 Pull Ups or 6 inverted rows
40 Jump Rope single Skips
2 Pull Ups or 4 inverted Rows
60 Jump Rope single skips
3 pull Ups or 6 inverted Rows
80 Jump Rope single Skips
4 Pull Ups or 8 inverted Rows
100 Jump Rope single Skips
5 Pull Ups or 10 inverted rows


Push Ups on bench
Squat Jumps

As Many Push Ups as you can do in 10 and Squat Jumps
do as many push ups as you can do in one set then do as many squat jumps as you can do in one set
then keep doing this until you get to 10 minutes


Tabata Running
Run for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds
Keep doing this interval until you reach 4 minutes
If you can perform this with ease for more than 4 minutes, you have no tried hard enough

Week 3


How many Skips can yo do in 15 minutes?
Record it


Go as FAST as you can !

Movement A) Lunges
Movement B) Squats
Movement C) Sit Ups


Run 1 K if you are on a treadmill at your Gym this will be easy, because you can see how far 1 k is, if you are not look it up on a map
Run 1 K
10 Push Up's
Run 1 K
20 Squats
Run 1 K
20 Push Ups

Week 4

Monday Re test Everything you have recorded in one day!
Skip 100 single jumps
17 Push Ups
Skip 100 Single Jumps
17 Squats
Skip 100 Single Jumps
17 Sit Ups

3 minutes as many repetitions as you can do,
Rest 3 minutes
repeat 3 times
for both movement's

A) Burpee's
B) Inverted Rows or Pull Ups


Long Chipper This is a long list of movements you have to try and finish as fast as you can

300 Single Jump rope skips
40 Squats
30 Push Ups
20 Sit Ups
10 Lunges
5 Pull Ups
Run 1 K

Have Fun with This

Now nutrition

Stay away from Lollies and Chocolates
Eat Less Bread, Pasta and Rice
Eat more meat, chicken and Fish
Drink more water Less Alcohol

Goal setting

a) set a desired weight you would like to achieve in 1 month from now, something realistic like 1 kilo or 2
b) Now get up every day and make sure this goal is your number 1 priority
c) If you Fail, try Again!

If you need more information about how to follow this program
you can contact me on

Head Trainer/ Owner
CrossFit Down under

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