Wednesday 16 May 2012

If you know nothing about Nutrition, You should know this!

If you know nothing about nutrition you should know this!

Stay away from Sugar!
Know that not everyone deals with Lactose (diary sugar well)
You can’t go wrong with fruits and vegetables
Know that people weren’t dying from Cholesterol and heart disease as much as people are dying know from it now and your ancestors ate a whole lot more fat than you or I , So don’t stay away from it
Good Fats are great for you, Fat is the most satiating nutrient in food, (this mean it keeps you full)
Stay fairly away from Grains, How far away from how many Grains is up to you, but know that flour is pretty much not good for you, wholemeal or white
Get creative with your meals, breakfast doesn’t have to look like breakfast , Dinner doesn’t have to look like dinner
Stay away from the food Isles there is almost nothing healthy for you in them! Apart from your toilet Paper
IF it has a label it’s not food, but a food product, there is a difference!
You don’t really need 6 small meals a day to stay lean
Drink plenty of water
And Have fun with it all, don’t be that person who doesn’t want to eat anything in a restaurant, you get plenty of chances to make the right decisions everyday in your own time!

Head Trainer/ Owner
CrossFit Down Under

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