Monday 14 May 2012

Training Ideas, when training gets boring

Spice up your training!

If there is one thing that CrossFit has taught me , it’s that training doesn’t have to be boring or ever the same

Here are some of the ways you can vary your training simply

-Run on the road,
-Run up a hill
-Run with a sand bag
-Run while carrying a person
-Run with ankle weights
-Run with a weighed Vest
-Run long distances
-Sprint 100mt, 200mt, 400mt, 800mt

-Double Unders
-Triple Unders
-Crossover Skips
-Single Leg Skips
-Single Leg double Unders

-Learn the simple lifts
-Overhead Press
-Bench Press
-Sumo Dead Lift High Pulls
-Over Head Squats
-Front Squats
-Zercher Squats
Learn the Olympic Lifts
-Clean and Jerk
Then vary them
-Power Clean
-Hang Clean
-Squat Snatch
-Hang snatch
-Knee Jump To Clean
-Knee Jump to Snatch
-Knee Jump to Split Clean
-Knee Jump to split Snatch

Train with a sand bag
And learn all of the Olympic lifts with one and learn all of the barbell lifts with it too

Train with a kettle bell
-kettle bell swings
-kettle bell snatch
-kettle bell clean
-kettle bell press
-kettle bell Turkish get up
-kettle bell press
-kettle bell sumo deadlift high pull
-kettle bell dead lift
-kettle bell high pulls

Train with dumb bell’s
-and learn all of the lifts with the dumb bells

Train with rings or suspension trainers
-L Sit
-Push Ups on Rings
-Muscle Up
-Pull Ups

Train on a Chin Up bar
-Pull Ups
-Chin ups
-Toes to bar
-Knee’s to elbows
-plyometric pull ups
-L Pull Up holds
-Bicycle motions while holding the bar

All combat sports for that matter

Train with a friend
Use them as your resistance

Train on the sand
Train using your environment
Jump on and off benches, try and climb over a wall, use monkey bars for chin ups, or a bus station stop for that matter

Get creative and don’t think that Training has to be boring

CrossFit Down Under

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