Tuesday 11 December 2012

How to get Better at Double Under's ?

As i like to mention over and over again
I really do suck at crossfit I vividly remember thinking i will never be able to
- Over head squat with an empty bar
- do more than 2 double under's in a row
- string more than 10 wall balls in a row
- do a muscle up
- do a pistol
- clean and jerk a decent weight
- do the crossfit wod diane
- do handstand push ups
- and the list could go on...

At the beginning all these movement's were very daunting tasks that seemed unattainable ......
but a year later all of these things have become just parts of the journey

over time I've learnt that Crossfit is about
more than just being physically really fit but mainly about
having a lot of faith in yourself

faith in that practice leads to achievement

So my tip for your Double Under's is for you to
get really good at Single skips

now 97% of you can do single skips easily
Ropes are Cheap , you can buy one for $3 and all you need is a little bit of flat surface

First Step
Practice single skips for 10 minutes straight everyday for 1 month

Second Step
Practice Double Under's in your second month for 5 minutes Every day
regardless of your inability to string more than 1 together keep practicing them

Third Step
Third Month
Every Day spend 10 minutes on doing double under's you should now be able to do at least 20 in a row, do intervals or 20 double unders 1 minute break x 20 sets

For some of you it will only take 1 day
for some of you it will take about 3 weeks
for some of you like me it will take about 2months to string more than 5 in a row, but all it takes is practice and most importantly Faith

Hope this helps

CrossFit Down Under

Tuesday 13 November 2012

Wednesday's WOD

Wednesday's WOD

6 a.m / 12 30 p.m / 7 p.m

TEAM W.O.D (Coach Lauren's WOD)

600 Meter Partner Piggy Back Carry 
*100 Partner Pistols or Regular Pistols if you can do them 
50 Partner Handstand Push Ups (or Regular Handstand Push Ups if you can do them)
600 Meter Partner Piggy Back Carry

**Yes We will Scale Handstand Push Ups to regular Push Ups or Deficit Push Ups' if you cannot do them
* Yes we will Scale Pistols 

6 p.m Women's Class ONLY class 

Surprise :-) 

Monday 12 November 2012

Tuesdays WOD

Tuesdays WOD

50 double Unders/ 120 Single Skips
Farmers Carry 50 Meters
x 7 Rounds

+ Ab Maker's New Movement

Be at the Box or be your own Square

Saturday 10 November 2012

Monday's WOD

Monday's WOD

Row 500 Meter's
Bench Press
21 Reps of 50% of 1 Rep Max
Row 500 Meters
15 Reps of 60 % of 1 Rep Max
Row 500 Meters
9 Reps of 70% of 1 Rep Max

Thursday 8 November 2012


                                                                                                       Friday's WOD

Max Effort
Dead Lift
3 attempts

Interval Pull Up's
20 second On
20 seconds Off

Wednesday 7 November 2012

Thursdays WOD

Thursday WOD

"Max Effort"
Hang Power Clean


Men's Weight's
Level 3 70 + Kilo's
Level 2 30-70  Kilo's
Level 1 Below 30

Women's Weight's
Level 3 60 Plus
Level 2 25-60
Level 1 Below 25


Heavy Sit Up's

Monday 5 November 2012

Tuesdays WOD

Tuesday WOD

Squat Mobility Prep

Max Effort Squat
Level 3 70% of 1 rep Max , Max Rep's
Level 2 70 % of Body Weight Squat Max Reps
Level 1 50 % of Body Weight Squat Max Rep's

All Max reps are in 1 attempt,

3 Attempts

Push Up's with a Twist
Scaling Push Ups to Challenge all Fitness Level's

Hand Stand Push Ups for those with them
Deficit Handstand Push Ups for advanced Athletes
Ring Push Ups for Those with a  good 12 solid regular push Ups a
and regular Toe Push Ups for those with Knee Push Up's

Sunday 4 November 2012

Monday WOD

Row ....row...Row your boat......gently down the Stream........

Row 100 Meters
Rest 1 minute
Row 200 Meters
Rest 1 minute

5 k Row for Time

Post Times Below

Wednesday 31 October 2012

Thurday's WOD

CrossFit Down Under

*it's funny how i have to tell you , you guys will be having fun right?


This WOD will not be done as fast as possible but as GREAT as possible
GOOD Movement and Technique Peep's
Because This is a Short WOD
We will be Working on Core WORK mainly in today's Class

Everyone is welcome to the class twice as I will be cycling the core work between the classes and it won't hurt you to work on that mid line to help your Front Squats, Back squats, and farmers carry's a bit easier

See you Tonight Peep's

Monday 29 October 2012

Tuesday WOD

Tricks and Skill's

Test out a 1 rep max


Learn New Body Weight Exercises

Learn New Skills

Learn new Tricks

Time to introduce the Fun in CrossFit

Saturday 27 October 2012

Monday's WOD

Monday WOD

Rope Session 

Rope Pull Ups
Rope Rows
Rope Push Ups
Rope Skill's

Battling Rope Interval W.O.D

An Old Pic of How the Affiliate once Started 

Thursday 25 October 2012

Saturday's WOD

9 A.M Class

Ab's for Summer?

1 K Run
100 Sit Ups
30 Meter Run
90 Sit Ups
800 meter Run
80 Sit Ups
60 Meter run
70 Sit ups
600 Meter Run
60 Sit Ups
100 Meter Run
50 sit Ups

10 A.M Class

Snatch Practice

Single Arm Dumb Bell Snatch 12 Reps
Sprint 30 Meter's
x 5 Rounds

Friday WOD

Friday WOD

Sprints are With a Slight Tweak*

Clean 30 reps
Dead Lift 30 reps
Clean 20 Reps
Dead Lift 20 Reps
Clean 10 Reps
Dead Lift

Level 1 25/20
Level 2 30/25
Level 3 60/40

To our Right is Coach Lauren
Lauren is great for Paleo Info makes amazing Paleo biscuits and muffins and is stronger than the average guy

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Thursdays WOD

Thursdays WOD

Ring ROW
5 x 5

 Met Con


100 Burpee , Pull Up's
You don't actually need to be able to do a pull up *don't freak out peep's
It's a jumping pull up

*Burpee will also be modified If your shoulders are too fried from today*yesterday*

Level 3 Jump To high Bar and do full pull up
Level 2 Jump to rings and do half pull ups
Level 1 without a jump, do a jumping pull up over bar or rings

Depending on Class Sizes this will be a Team
in which you will pair up with someone of a similar pull up ability and complete 200 rep's

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Wednesday's WOD

Today's WOD

Bar loaded to
Level 3 @40/30 Kg's
Level 2 @ 30/20
Level 1 @ 20/15

15 Presses
Throw Med Ball as far as you can
10 Presses
Throw Med Ball as far as you can
5 Thrusters
 Throw Med Ball as far as you can

You Finish when you reach the end of the Grass (Kelly Road ) and then run back with the bar bell loaded on your back and kicking your Med Ball

to our Right is Bllly and Simon, two of our Awesome Chiropractors at the gym, Check out their clinic
At North East Family Chiropractic

Sunday 14 October 2012

Paleo CHALLENGE 1 0 1

Paleo Challenge 1 0 1

What to Eat ?

nuts seeds, berries,
some fruit little starch no grains, no dairy and no sugar

Vegetables (all types but stay away from corn, peas, lentils, beans and white potatoes )
So what to eay?
Every other vegetable,
Swap White potatoes for Sweet Potatoes and YAMS

Stay away from
Flour,cereals and Rice
This includes, pasta, bread, and all that pastry stuff

So what to eat?
Swap Cereal for Banana's and coconut milk *just a suggestion
Swap Toast for Bacon and Egg's

No Dairy?
So what so what?
Swap regular milk for Almond Milk or Coconut milk
Both are very yummy :-) you can still make your shakes! just replace milk with almond milk or coconut milk
you can still make curries, just get creative, swap regular cream for coconut cream
* you are allowed 4 dairy Days iu the paleo challenge were you will not be deducted points (why, because i want you to see the difference between having milk in your diet and not having it )

No Alcohol?
Yep thats right
why? well you know why it's not good for you and don't give me this 1 red glass of wine a night crap, most of you know better
No study has actually shown red wine as the actual correlate to decreased heart decease

Are you Nuts?
Eat lots of nuts to replace your regular snacks, add in shakes, to your meals and or breakfast
*except no Peanuts

No processed foods
*for the most try to eat things that do not in a bag and don't have a label!

No Sugar?
*No honey, splenda , stevia, agave or sugar replacements, why? most of us have a sugar addiction and need to get rid of it,
However you are allowed Honey and raw cocoa powder on 4 Days of the Paleo challenge where you will not be deducted any points

So what does a Paleo week look like?

Break Fast
Bacon and Egg's


Tuna salad *tomatoes and letuce, with lemon and a pinch of salt as dressing


Steaks , Egg's and Sweet potato


Paleo cereal
(almonds, mademias, coconut milk, cinnamon, and berries)

Cheery tomatoes

Chicken tigh's with avocado and wrapped in lettuce

Boiled Egg


with Celery sticks and carrots


Almond Milk and Banana


(Egg , spinach, and spring onions )

half avocado

BBQ meats plus cabbage salad

I am a very lazy eater and these are all meal's that I have managed in the Past I hope this gives you an idea to realize that it doesn't have to be Hard to follow Paleo

What else can i do to improve my health and nutrition?

Sleep 7-8 hours Every night

Stay away from Sugars on your 1 Cheat night

Make sure to stay hydrated well throughout your challenge, big glasses of water between all your meals

Make sure to fuel yourself well after training CrossFit
so Make sure to eat some fruits or almond milk or coconut milk

Do the Endurance WOD's that I list below there are extra points for doing them :-)

5 K Run
or anything above 5 K's

4 K Row or Anything above 4K's

500 Single skips

300 DOuble Under's

100 Burpee's for Time

100 pull ups (jumping pull ups, ring rows for those of you who need to scale)
100 Push Ups *on knees for scaling
100 sit ups
100 Squats

There will be more open gym times to do these Wods

4 minute Tabata On the Airdyne ( I am happy to coach you through it)

12 minute tabata Squats
12 minute Tabata Push Ups
12 minute Tabata sit ups
12 minute tabata Pull Ups (only for advanced athletes , other wise your arms will be gone for a long while
12 minute tabata Burpee's

What else should I know?
That there is 1 Cheat day allowed in the whole month (30 Days)
That there are 4 days where you are allowed dairy and honey

Good Luck all questions Please send to


Good Luck

Friday 12 October 2012

Tomorrow's WOD

I told some of you it was Helen, I told some of you it was Cindy, Changed my mind it's Fran

Official "FRAN"

Not Fran Burpee But Actual Fran


*Pull Ups
This is the WOD for both the Women's and Men's Class

There is a First Time for Everything and there is a First time For Fran!
 Let's if we can get anyone Breaking sub 5 minutes

+ Cindy after wards

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Thursday's WOD

Strict Pull Ups

Use a Band to help assist your Pull Up

Team WOD
Bar Muscle Up 5 Min Max Rep's
(scaled down Version is very easy please trust me, our new rig allows us to do this very easy)

"Named After Client W.O.D"
Who come in to Find out!

To our Right is one of our Client's
She call me a "the smiling assassin, I call her the salt mine runner"
Some of us Fear a 5 k Run, She Ain't afraid of 105 K's , wish her luck guys when you see her next :-)

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Wednesday's WOD

Wednesday's WOD


20 Mins To Establish a 1 Rep Max on Front Squat 

7 Plyometric Push Ups
17 Front Squats
7 Push Jerk's 
x 3 Rounds
EMOM Every Minute on the Minute 7 Air squat's 

Lv 1 Bar Loaded with 25/15
Lv 2 Bar Loaded with 40/25
Lv 3 Bar Loaded with 50/30

Sunday 7 October 2012

The Paleo Challenge

The CrossFit Down Under Paleo Challenge

What is the Paleo Challenge?

The Paleo challenge is a 30 day , “How strict can you be?” Challenge designed to help you lose weight, increase performance and obtain that more desirable body composition you’ve been trying to get before summer. The Paleo Challenge is a No bullshit Challenge to help you really take your nutrition up a notch and take yourself to that next level!
It’s a Contest
Where we have Prices and incentives to get you to Win!
1st Price Money Pot! (Sum of Money is dependent on the level of participants e.g 10 participants entered 10 participants =250, 20 participants = $500, etc... you get the idea) + CFDU T shirt + Extra Surprise
2nd Price 1 Month Free membership to CrossFit Down Under + CFDU T shirt
3rd Price Half Priced Membership  for 1 month + CFDU T shirt

So what is the Paleo Diet in very basic terms?
Healthy Eating, without processed foods!
The Paleo Diet can be summed up as Quality eating, this basically means that during a paleo diet the source of how your food was made and where it comes from is extremely important, the more natural and organic the better.

So what are my Food Choices?

§  Do not eat dairy! This includes butter, cheese (hard and soft), yogurt (even Greek) and milk (including cream in your coffee or tea).
§  Do not eat grains! This includes bread, rice, pasta, cereal, oatmeal, corn and all of those gluten-free pseudo-grains like quinoa and sprouted grains.
§  Do not eat legumes! This includes beans of all kinds (soy, black, kidney, etc.), peas, lentils, and peanuts. (No peanut butter, kids.)
§  Do not eat or add sugar! Of any kind, real or artificial. No maple syrup, honey, agave nectar, Splenda, Equal, Nutrasweet, xylitol, stevia, etc.
§  Do not eat processed foods! This includes protein shakes, processed bars, dairy-free creamers, etc.
§  Do not drink alcohol, in any form!
§  Do not eat white potatoes! Sweet potatoes and yams are a more nutrient-dense option, so go for those instead.

§  Lean Meats – Chicken, Fish, sea food,
§  Vegetables -vary the type of veggies
§  Fruit – preferably Low Sugar fruits.
§  Nuts. Walnuts, cashews, almonds.
§  Oils. Olive, Canolia, and coconut oil.

§  Processed Meat. On occasion, we are okay with organic chicken sausage (these are nitrate, dairy, gluten and casein-free), and high quality bacon, deli meat, and jerky.
§  Dried Fruit. In general, careful with the fruit. Use dried fruit and Larabars in serious moderation, and only if it doesn’t send you running for the nearest candy dish.
§  Non-”Paleo” Vegetables. We’re fine with green beans, sugar snap peas and snow peas. While they’re technically a legume, they’re far more “pod” than “bean”, and we want you to eat your veggies.
§  Coffee and black tea. We’re okay with coffee (black, or with a little coconut milk) in moderation, and only if it doesn’t interfere with sleep. Usually, that means none after noon. If you really want to go hardcore and reset your body’s sensitivity to caffeine, skip the coffee/tee for the 30 day period as well.
§  Vinegar. While it’s technically not “Paleo”, we’re fine with using it in small quantities as a salad dressing or in salsa.
§  Salt. While some “approved” foods like olives or bacon will have some salt in them, go easy when adding salt to your food.

So What does the Challenge involve exactly?
Well first of all a
Fitness Test

The Fitness Test will be conducted on the day of the nutrition Lecture
And will be repeated at the end of the 30 days!
5 Minute of Cindy

Level 1
5 Ring Rows
10 Knee Push Ups
15 air Squats

Level 2
5 Banded Pull Ups
5 Push Ups
15 Air Squats

Level 3
5  Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Air Squats

Will be Tested on the day of Nutrition
2 K Run for time

How Do I compete?

Through a Scoring System

Scoring system *points

Blog Post Meal *5 (per meal) (failure to not post more than 7 times = failure of competition)
Zero Grain policy 7 days *25 points
Zero Grain Policy 14 Days *50 points
Zero Grain 30 Day’s *100 Points
Zero Sugar Policy *25 points
Zero sugar policy *50 Points
Zero sugar policy *100
Nutrition Lecture *20 Points Attending
1 PR on Lift *5 points (per day)
Attempt at Endurance WODs *25
Plus 1 more session than you come to *5 (per session)
Posting an original Paleo Dish *5 points (per day)
Every 200 Grams Lost *10 points (total amount calculated at the end of Challenge)
Measurement Change *5 points for every measurement
Photo change *50 points
Recovery Meal *5 points (per day)
Photo Proof of Meals *5 points (per day)
Meal Skip only two per Week *10  (per meal)
7-8 Hour Sleep *10 points (per day)
1 New Skill Development *50 (per day)
(Overhead Squat legit, double unders, triple unders, unbroken WODs, pistols, muscle ups, L sit, muscle Ups, etc..)
Facebook Love *5 (per post on face book per day)
Pr on CrossFit Down Under Bench Marks *30  
100 Burpee’s, 500 mt row, Fran etc...
Negative Points
Alcohol Consumption
 – 40 points (per Day) per any alcohol consumed on the day
Fast Food outlet Consumption
-          10 points per day (per Day

How Do you Win the Paleo Challenge?
The person with the most amount of Accumulated Points Wins!!

But what if I am already really lean?
A Paleo Diet will improve physical performance equally as it will improve body composition
Please take these 30 days to see the difference that great nutrition can have on your body
Because of this PR’s on Lifts, Consistency of Training and decreased times in Cross fit bench marks will also be rewarded

Point System?
The point system will be calculated on a day to day basis and by the end of the month by your Coach
How can you Fail the challenge and forfeit the prize pot at the end?
-          By Failing to post 7 Meals in the 30 days, all meals MUST be posted on the Blog every day
-          By Bringing other people down, be each others motivators and encourage each other over these 30 days

What is the Blog?
A web Blog where you will post your every meal in the comment’s section
You will use this for accountability purposes

What other information do I need?
Lots! Which Is why I am holding a Nutrition Seminar on Sunday the 14th of October
*But what if I can’t attend it?
You will get access to an online version of the seminar and a written down notes version of it as well
*but there are extra points for coming to seminar SO COME!

What should I eat?
*on Sunday the 14th I will be giving everybody whose signed up a 100 Recipe E book I’ve created to help you with ideas on how to spice up your kitchen while eating Paleo

What is an e book?
An online PDF File that can be printed or viewed on a computer/ smart phone

What else do I need to know about the Paleo Challenge?
Measurement will be taken of your body composition if you wish for them to be taken
So that you can check and see improvements

What are the Costs?
$35 Dollars For Entry into the Paleo Challenge

We will also be offering Discounted PT and Nutritional Consultations to help you get the most out of this Challenge
$30 1 Hour PT Sessions (Normally $60) To help you achieve more  
$30 Half Hour Nutritional Consultations
(Only Valid during the Paleo Challenge at Discounted Rate)
What does the Seminar involve?
-The nutrition Puzzle Talk (Everything You need to know about Nutrition , much more than the basics)
- Vital Life Project Talk (Everything you need to know about Life and how it relates to Nutrition)
- Goal Setting Talk (Some helpful tips and tricks to help you realistically achieve your goals on a day to day Basis)
- Recipe’s E book
- Goal Setting E book
- Fitness Test
- Measurement and Weight Testing

What do you need before Starting?
A diary to keep all of your information during the challenge
These diaries will be collected by the end of the 30 days!

Start Date
15th of October

End Date
14th of November

Payments are to be made ASAP before the 24th of November in Cash to CrossFit Down Under

So Are YOU READY TO look better and be stronger and faster before Summer? 

See you SUNDAY!

Seminar will be held at 12 30 pm Sunday the 14th of October
P.S Challenge not Exclusive to CFDU( CrossFit Down Under) members if you know someone who would benefit from this and are not currently a CFDU member or yourself are not a current CFDU Member come along to the Seminar it will Change your Life

Monday's WOD

Monday's WOD

Dumb Bell Complex
Every 2nd Minute on the minute (5 Burpee's)

1 30 meter Dumb Bell Run
3 Dumb bell Dead Lift's
5 Dumb Bell Hang Cleans
*7 Dumb Bell Split Clean's (new Move)
9 Dumb Bell Push Presses
12 Dumb Bell Thruster's
x3 Rounds

Lv 3  20
Lv 2  10
Lv 1  5