Sunday 27 May 2012

Free Fitness Program!

So Because I would the world to be a fitter, friendlier place :-)
Here is a Free Weight Loss Program, you can try out at your gym or at home if you don't have any equipment

Week 1


do 21 reps of movement A) followed immediately by movement B) , then do the same with 15 and 9 reps of each movement, there is no break between these movement's

Record your time, and re test at the end of four weeks

A)Squats (your hip must go below your knee when you are going for depth)
B) Push Ups


Run 3 K's
Row 6 K's

Time yourself Again
and repeat in 4 week's



Do 10 reps of movement A) and then 10 Reps of Movement B) and then 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 of both movements till you get to 1

A)Step Ups or Box Jump's to a bench
B)Sit Ups

Week 2


A)Jump Rope
B)Pull Ups or Inverted rows

Workout is exactly as follows

100 Jump Rope single skips
5 pull ups or 10 inverted rows
80 Jump Rope single skips
4 Pull Ups or 8 inverted rows
60 Jump rope Single skips
3 Pull Ups or 6 inverted rows
40 Jump Rope single Skips
2 Pull Ups or 4 inverted Rows
60 Jump Rope single skips
3 pull Ups or 6 inverted Rows
80 Jump Rope single Skips
4 Pull Ups or 8 inverted Rows
100 Jump Rope single Skips
5 Pull Ups or 10 inverted rows


Push Ups on bench
Squat Jumps

As Many Push Ups as you can do in 10 and Squat Jumps
do as many push ups as you can do in one set then do as many squat jumps as you can do in one set
then keep doing this until you get to 10 minutes


Tabata Running
Run for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds
Keep doing this interval until you reach 4 minutes
If you can perform this with ease for more than 4 minutes, you have no tried hard enough

Week 3


How many Skips can yo do in 15 minutes?
Record it


Go as FAST as you can !

Movement A) Lunges
Movement B) Squats
Movement C) Sit Ups


Run 1 K if you are on a treadmill at your Gym this will be easy, because you can see how far 1 k is, if you are not look it up on a map
Run 1 K
10 Push Up's
Run 1 K
20 Squats
Run 1 K
20 Push Ups

Week 4

Monday Re test Everything you have recorded in one day!
Skip 100 single jumps
17 Push Ups
Skip 100 Single Jumps
17 Squats
Skip 100 Single Jumps
17 Sit Ups

3 minutes as many repetitions as you can do,
Rest 3 minutes
repeat 3 times
for both movement's

A) Burpee's
B) Inverted Rows or Pull Ups


Long Chipper This is a long list of movements you have to try and finish as fast as you can

300 Single Jump rope skips
40 Squats
30 Push Ups
20 Sit Ups
10 Lunges
5 Pull Ups
Run 1 K

Have Fun with This

Now nutrition

Stay away from Lollies and Chocolates
Eat Less Bread, Pasta and Rice
Eat more meat, chicken and Fish
Drink more water Less Alcohol

Goal setting

a) set a desired weight you would like to achieve in 1 month from now, something realistic like 1 kilo or 2
b) Now get up every day and make sure this goal is your number 1 priority
c) If you Fail, try Again!

If you need more information about how to follow this program
you can contact me on

Head Trainer/ Owner
CrossFit Down under

Wednesday 16 May 2012

If you know nothing about Nutrition, You should know this!

If you know nothing about nutrition you should know this!

Stay away from Sugar!
Know that not everyone deals with Lactose (diary sugar well)
You can’t go wrong with fruits and vegetables
Know that people weren’t dying from Cholesterol and heart disease as much as people are dying know from it now and your ancestors ate a whole lot more fat than you or I , So don’t stay away from it
Good Fats are great for you, Fat is the most satiating nutrient in food, (this mean it keeps you full)
Stay fairly away from Grains, How far away from how many Grains is up to you, but know that flour is pretty much not good for you, wholemeal or white
Get creative with your meals, breakfast doesn’t have to look like breakfast , Dinner doesn’t have to look like dinner
Stay away from the food Isles there is almost nothing healthy for you in them! Apart from your toilet Paper
IF it has a label it’s not food, but a food product, there is a difference!
You don’t really need 6 small meals a day to stay lean
Drink plenty of water
And Have fun with it all, don’t be that person who doesn’t want to eat anything in a restaurant, you get plenty of chances to make the right decisions everyday in your own time!

Head Trainer/ Owner
CrossFit Down Under

Monday 14 May 2012

Training Ideas, when training gets boring

Spice up your training!

If there is one thing that CrossFit has taught me , it’s that training doesn’t have to be boring or ever the same

Here are some of the ways you can vary your training simply

-Run on the road,
-Run up a hill
-Run with a sand bag
-Run while carrying a person
-Run with ankle weights
-Run with a weighed Vest
-Run long distances
-Sprint 100mt, 200mt, 400mt, 800mt

-Double Unders
-Triple Unders
-Crossover Skips
-Single Leg Skips
-Single Leg double Unders

-Learn the simple lifts
-Overhead Press
-Bench Press
-Sumo Dead Lift High Pulls
-Over Head Squats
-Front Squats
-Zercher Squats
Learn the Olympic Lifts
-Clean and Jerk
Then vary them
-Power Clean
-Hang Clean
-Squat Snatch
-Hang snatch
-Knee Jump To Clean
-Knee Jump to Snatch
-Knee Jump to Split Clean
-Knee Jump to split Snatch

Train with a sand bag
And learn all of the Olympic lifts with one and learn all of the barbell lifts with it too

Train with a kettle bell
-kettle bell swings
-kettle bell snatch
-kettle bell clean
-kettle bell press
-kettle bell Turkish get up
-kettle bell press
-kettle bell sumo deadlift high pull
-kettle bell dead lift
-kettle bell high pulls

Train with dumb bell’s
-and learn all of the lifts with the dumb bells

Train with rings or suspension trainers
-L Sit
-Push Ups on Rings
-Muscle Up
-Pull Ups

Train on a Chin Up bar
-Pull Ups
-Chin ups
-Toes to bar
-Knee’s to elbows
-plyometric pull ups
-L Pull Up holds
-Bicycle motions while holding the bar

All combat sports for that matter

Train with a friend
Use them as your resistance

Train on the sand
Train using your environment
Jump on and off benches, try and climb over a wall, use monkey bars for chin ups, or a bus station stop for that matter

Get creative and don’t think that Training has to be boring

CrossFit Down Under

Sunday 13 May 2012



Why do we perform better in some situations than others?
This could be because of a huge factor of things such as
·         Nutrition
·         Weather
·         Fatigue
·         Adrenaline
·         Competition
·         Comfort zone
·         Uncomfortable zone
·         etc
We are going to concentrate on our training
and before we train, we should make a decision
This decision should be one that’s made with bravery
The question we need to ask ourselves before every work out is...
“Are we going to get after it?”
When we compete against each other in our Work Out’s of The day sometimes we let each others ability get inside of our head, sometimes we decide that we will take second place before it even happens because that there is no way in hell we will ever crush those 100 squats as fast the person in front of us.
What we have to understand is that CrossFit and most of life for that matter isn’t a competition against somebody else, but a competition against our self, it’s a mental game
It’s a game where we need to show ourselves that we are capable of doing things we couldn’t do yesterday, we demonstrate this all the time in our feats of strength, when strength nights pop around, we surprise ourselves with showing ourselves that we can over head squat a little bit more than before , you know the drill
Now what you have to learn to do is believe that you can accomplish the impossible before you begin your WOD’s by preparing and admitting to yourself that the next 5-15 minutes, however long, are going to be hell and that you are going to give it everything you have throughout that time
The mental Game is one that is linked directly to performance, a lot of our greatest improvements in fitness happen inside of our heads, when we realize that our ability to push ourselves begins and ends with the questions and answers that we give ourselves when we experience pain and discomfort.
Think about what it is you say to yourself when your experiencing pain, discomfort and that burning sensation inside of your muscles.
How do you reply to yourself? When you find yourself looking for an excuse to quit?
What have you told yourself in the past? Thats made you successful at times
What drives you to want to crush your competition?
Are you ready silence the negativity inside of your head?
Train with the mindset of a warrior and you’ll become one
And Remember the only person we are going against is our self and that to increase our performance a lot of the time we have to improve how we talk to ourselves when the going gets tough and learn to change our responses to our own questions inside of our heads.

Head Trainer/ Owner
CrossFit Down Under 

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Best Core Exercise?

What is the best Core exercise?

Short and Sweet Answer
Depends what you are asking?
For me this questions would be something like
“What is the best core I can hold 200 KG Front Squat without tilting forward?”
For you it might be “What is the best core exercise so I can get a six up?”
For someone else it might be “What is the best core exercise so I don’t keep suffering from back pain?”
So it depends what level you are at, a sit up to you is different than a sit up for me
And it depends which question you are asking
Here are some fundamental Core exercises that will develop strength in your mid region
For Weight loss, none, you need to fix your diet.
But sit ups, leg raises, crunches won’t hurt you.
For A stronger body to lift heavy weight’s, front squats, zercher squats, GHD sit ups, GHD sit Ups to push presses, agility ladder planks, Walking planks with dumb bell’s, Tornado Ball slams, etc...( I will make a video on all of these
To fix your Low back pain
Perfect Front Squats, Zercher Squats, 180 degree GHD sit ups, no leg raises, no crunches, single arm bench presses, single arm  over head presses, strict pull ups, strict presses, etc.. the list could go on, so you get the idea
To Get better at gymnastics
Front levers, toes to bars, knee’s to elbows, head stand upside down leg raises, etc...
The point of this blog is that you need to be very specific when answering or reading the answer to this question in magazines, because without the specificity the exercise could be useless to you.
Hope this Helps Peep’s

Peace Out 

Thursday 3 May 2012

Will I lose weight and bulk up with CrossFit?

Yes.. simple answer

Okay but seriously let's break it down

CrossFit will crush you.... regardless of your fitness level (you can be a navy seal an AFL player , an MMA Fighter these work outs will crush you)
but if you are just starting out, and have never done anything physical in your life
we can scale these work outs to suit your fitness level
We can teach you to Run
We can teach you how to do a proper squat for healthy knee's
Teach you how to build strength in your pulling and pushing
and a whole bunch of other cools things like
-olympic lifting

In CrossFit we believe it's important to chase performance.....
This mean's we believe that it's more important that you can do more work in less time's than if you just look great in the gym

I see this time and time again, pretty boy with lots of muscles comes in and get's crushed by simple work outs involving push ups and squats

Or athletic girl whose always just played (let's say soccer) comes in and again get's crushed by everything that suit her soccer body, in most cases strength,

I've also same boy and girl, woman and man, become beasts from deciding to challenge themselves

CrossFit will make you better in all aspects of fitness, because we train all aspects of fitness, we train for 1 minute, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 30 plus minutes hitting all the energy systems in the body
Phospogenic (Power)
Anaerobic(0-2 minutes)
Aerobic (2 minutes plus)

We lift heavy , we lift explosively

We pay attention and practice body weight movement's

We practice skill's such as double unders, rope climbing, balancing, L sit's

CrossFit doesn't ask you to be perfect, it only asks you to Try and have the willingness to get better at things you might think are at one stage impossible

We won't ask you to dead lift 200 kilos on your first day , you might just lift 5
We won't ask you to run a 5 k if you've never done it but we might ask you to Jog or walk 3 at your pace

The greatest adaptation to CrossFit happen's between your ears
Which mean's the reason why people get better by Crossfit is because they learn to push through self limiting beliefs of human ability and performance

Here's a Guarantee if you chase a sub 20 minute 5 K , chances are you will start losing weight,
If you chase a triple digit deadlift ,chances are you will build some muscle

I hope these statement's make sense and that you understand the value of chasing performance and not look's
The look's will follow if you keep searching for a better performance out of yourself

Most Fitness Program's culminate at a peak , for example most fitness program's have a beginner, intermediate and Advanced level, CrossFit doesn't,

CrossFit is a world wide community of amazing human beings who keep chasing and pushing the envelope of what is known to be humanly possible

While you are calmly running on your treadmill at home my athletes (which are everyday people) were doing sprints with 20 kilo sand bags on their shoulder's

So here's my proposal to you, chase for a better performance in your training and your training will reward you
With Weight Loss
and Strength Gains
and Muscle

Remember CrossFit is this

Just as Much as it is this ...

BTW yes this Grandma does do CrossFit , she is dead lifting 70 Kilos (the photo is real)


CrossFit Down Under

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Which is the Best Diet?

Which is the best Diet?

Well first of all I want to start by saying something that you most likely know, which is that diet’s don’t work, because most of them are simple unsustainable. Most people when they begin diets, they go really hard core with them for about 3 weeks, they eat nothing but lettuce and water lose a couple of kilos and then forget all about it around week 3.

Most people then repeat this cycle over again (no shame if you have done this, I too have done this many times)  a couple of months later down the track and this process pretty much continues for the rest of life.

Well I would like to suggest for you to consider weight loss, getting healthier and getting fitter as a lifestyle change and a word that I like even better is a LIFESTYLE UPGRADE.

You are UPGRADING the quality of food you consume because you care about yourself and how you treat your body. Here’s a hint if you don’t care know, your body sure ain’t going to care for you later on in life.

But now onto Tip’s,

Because these blogs would be useless if I didn’t actually give you something that was both insightful but also practically helpful.

Tip No 1) There is a lot of BS when it comes to nutrition being preached by everybody out there, most people regurgitate the same crap other people say, so be weary of the information you take in.

Tip No 2) It’s not true that you need 6 small meals a day, cavemen and your grandparents weren’t thinking 6 small meals to stay lean

Tip No 3) Exercise doesn’t really really help you lose weight, it’s helpful for a lot of things, but you can’t outrun KFC or whole Block of CHOCOLATE

Tip No 4) Learn to Snack things which are good for you, so find fruit that you actually like, experiment which different types of fruits, nuts, yoghurts, berries

Tip No 5) Read these books, The Gabriel Method, The Paleo Zone, Why we get fat , these are all great insightful books into nutrition

Tip No 6) Get healthy, so this mean’s don’t have un healthy habits such as smoking, drinking, etc..

Tip No 7) Nutrition is about 3 things, Carbohydrates, Protein and Fat, Most of us eat too many carbs, not enough fat and when we do eat protein we buy unhealthy supplements

Tip No 8) Don’t waste your money on supplement’s (ever.......uuuhhh I went there) until you have mastered a healthy eating lifestyle  

Tip No 9) You know what healthy eating is, Veggies, Fruits, nuts , Meat’s

Tip no 10) Stay away from Flour (even Whole meal)

Tip No 11) Stay Away from Grain and most seeds (but my oat meal, its just carbs)

Tip No 12) Really losing weight will you to actually have to learn a lot so start 
sharpening the old brain

Tip no 13) Eat good fats, this includes the fat in your meats, chicken skin, butter, milk etc..

Tip no 14) Low fat = High Sugar Anything that is low fat is almost always high sugar and if it’s not then its high salt , sodium salt that is and you get way too much of that anyway.

Tip no 15) Stay away from Protein Powder’s , they will just get you fat

Tip no 16) Eat less than you are eating now

Tip no 17) No Sweet’s the more you give your self sweets, the more you will develop a sweet tooth and the more you develop one the more you’ll crave sugar, the longer you can starve off sugar the better you will become at controlling your impulses

Tip no 18) No one care’s if you fall off the band wagon, look in life we fail, but it doesn’t matter as long as you keep trying and keep trying to constantly upgrade your eating habits so What can you do tonight to make your life healthier?

Web, Suscribe to my blog, i will keep posting useful information

Go to check out underground wellness on youtube, or itunes,

Go look up the paleo diet , (it’s not really a diet, its a lifestyle)

And find some people who are going to keep you accountable, Friends, family, a trainer, a mentor etc...

Peace Ya’ll
Owner/ Head Trainer
CrossFit Down Under