Wednesday 29 May 2013

Top 10 mistakes People make when on the Paleo Diet

Expecting a Body Like Camille Le Blanc or Rich Fronning in 7 Days and expecting performances like them too!

*You know and I know that you could try harder in your WOD's your consistency and your Nutrition

2#Ignoring Calore INTAKE and PORTION control

It matters let's not kid outselves a kilo of bacon and eggs is still a kilo of bacon and eggs

3#Going TOO Paleo before easing into it

Too many people go too hard too soon and not stick to it
ease your way into it

4#Training More and decreasing Carbohydrates

Protein is Recovery
Carbs are for Performance
if you don't Fuel your Body Carbs you most likely won't PR FRAN

5#Let one Slip RUIN your Week/ month/ DAY

Come'on just cause you looked a tim tam the wrong way doesn't mean the whole month is ruined and you might as well order the triple cho fudged fried pizza with the ice cream on top

6# Going NUTS

Too many Nuts is not a good thing, everything in balance

7# Replacing healthy foods for Paleo Healthier foods that really aren't healthier

If it comes in a can or is in the preservatives part of the supermarket its not better than milk sorry peeps

yes im talking about coconut milk and almond milk

8# Getting obsessed why I am missing out number 8 , 9 and 10

Studies SHOW people read things that say Top TEN much more than Top 7 so HAH!

Peace Homies
Stay Cool Eat Healthy,
Try Harder one day at a time and before you know it,

..... I'm not sure what

but yeah...

oh thats right

You'lll be sooo HOT the mirror will melt every time you stand in front of it..

*Snare , Cymbal Drum Roll!

CrossFit Down Under

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