Monday 6 May 2013

Trainers Blog Part 1

So some of you will care , some of you will think eh
but this will be my training blog what I do for Training and how I will attempt to qualify for regionals next year
I will also add the odd thought about Fitness, nutrition and all things related to keeping yourself motivated

Today's W.O.D

Rowing intervals
500 meters
Rest 1 minute x 3
*rowing sucks, but if you keep doing it all the time, it doesnt feel toooooo bad

Strength WOD
Heavy pull Ups
16 kg Strict pull ups x 5 sets
*hurt my shoulders, so kipping pull ups are being pulled back to only once per week

Oly Press/ Squats Work
*no warm up for this, was in a rush to try and fit as much lifting as i could after class before 8 40 when i had to leave

5 x 40 kg strict press
5 x 60 kg strict press
5 x 70 kg push press
5 x 80 kg push press
3 x 90 kg push press
2 x 100 kg push split jerk

+ about 6 Squat Cleans at 80 kg (for fun and giggles)
+ some clean and jerks

Then me and Ryan battled off in 80 kg back squats
i did 2 for every 1 rep he did
2-4-6-8-10-12 (his ladder, was 1-2-3-4-5-6)
i then had the foolish idea of wanting to attempt a 20 kg back squat set at 80 kg, i lost the 16th rep behind my back , kind of scary it fell off me backwards and hit my weight belt, eeek..

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