Wednesday 5 June 2013

10 Tips ...How to get Better at the Sport of CrossFit

10 Tips on How to get Better at the sport of CrossFit

1) Master the Fundamentals
for most people this is your Squat
Your Push ups
Your Pull Ups

Until you do them so well that your head explodes of how awesome you might be , then you need to aiming to them better. not faster, not quicker, but better

2) Understand you may be 5 years away from the elite and that there's nothing wrong with that

Until you can do 10 Strict Pull Ups
20 Strict push Ups

Then your kipping Pull Ups will never be that high
and your Handstand push ups will always be far away

3) Competing to Practice
When joining competition understand that winning is a prize but for most of you its about practice
it doesn't matter you came last in every competition you've ever entered or that you came middle of the pack or you didnt meet your expectations
the important thing is you realized what you need to get better at and that is priceless knowledge to have

4) Dont avoid the things you don't like doing they will kill you
Like myself I avoid pistols and hahah Fit wars will kick me in the butt

5) Mobility
Remember that if you Train like an Athlete you should recover like that an athlete
Foam rolling is a must
Stretching is a must

6) Train Hard Recover hard
Epsom Baths
Ice Baths
Fish Oil
Carbohydrates Pre Work out
Protein Post Work out
Lots of Good Fats
8+ hours of sleep
Lots of Water
and not training when you are hurt of injured

7) Stay inspired by the things that made you start

8) Find a Training Partner whose at your similar level and challenge yourselves

9) If you are Weak Spend sometime on a Strength Program
If you are Strong Spend time on Gymnastics
If you came 10000+ in the open you still most likely need more work capacity
which means Good old Regular Cardio

10) Work on your Olympic Lifts with Light weights and master the Positions

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