Tuesday 25 June 2013



This Prestigious Award is given after much thought every month, and here they go




Cam You are a very loyal, trust worthy, hard working, awesome human being
You will make a Great Trainer one Day!

Cam Listens to Advice works on Technique
Cleans the dishes *because he thinks im too lazy to do it,(but thank you)
Cleans the floors, has helped me mop the floors,
always has a positive willing attitude and without him, trust me, the gym would be a slightly dirtier place
Cam Recently Pr'd his Snatch so YAY go CAM!!

SECOND Goes to!


Emma has something that some of us sometimes lack, and its one of the most important keys in getting better everyday , she has FAITH in herself!!

Emma listens to advice and is coming along quite well in her CrossFit Journey,
Emmas Progression has been very awesome to watch,
in less than a year we'll see Emma Dead Lifting Triple Body Weight and doing 50 pull ups in a row!
Keep the good work up Emma!
Emma Recently Hit a 100 burpee PR
over a minute off the previous TIME

and TRiple THIRD and most Interesting Member of the Month bragging right goes to


OKay you all make our Bellies here at CrossFit down Under a happier place, you are all amazing cooks and make amazing deserts and cakes and balls!

Its awesome having such caring and sharing people in our community who love sharing your love for cooking with us, Trust me when I say we all Thank You and appreciate your Daily treats :-)

* Did not have a photo of all three of you! Im sorry :-(

Good work Guys Keep up the good work and
remember please don't feel like Im choosing Favorites  I like you all the same!!
Your all awesome in my eyes


Wednesday 5 June 2013

10 Tips ...How to get Better at the Sport of CrossFit

10 Tips on How to get Better at the sport of CrossFit

1) Master the Fundamentals
for most people this is your Squat
Your Push ups
Your Pull Ups

Until you do them so well that your head explodes of how awesome you might be , then you need to aiming to them better. not faster, not quicker, but better

2) Understand you may be 5 years away from the elite and that there's nothing wrong with that

Until you can do 10 Strict Pull Ups
20 Strict push Ups

Then your kipping Pull Ups will never be that high
and your Handstand push ups will always be far away

3) Competing to Practice
When joining competition understand that winning is a prize but for most of you its about practice
it doesn't matter you came last in every competition you've ever entered or that you came middle of the pack or you didnt meet your expectations
the important thing is you realized what you need to get better at and that is priceless knowledge to have

4) Dont avoid the things you don't like doing they will kill you
Like myself I avoid pistols and hahah Fit wars will kick me in the butt

5) Mobility
Remember that if you Train like an Athlete you should recover like that an athlete
Foam rolling is a must
Stretching is a must

6) Train Hard Recover hard
Epsom Baths
Ice Baths
Fish Oil
Carbohydrates Pre Work out
Protein Post Work out
Lots of Good Fats
8+ hours of sleep
Lots of Water
and not training when you are hurt of injured

7) Stay inspired by the things that made you start

8) Find a Training Partner whose at your similar level and challenge yourselves

9) If you are Weak Spend sometime on a Strength Program
If you are Strong Spend time on Gymnastics
If you came 10000+ in the open you still most likely need more work capacity
which means Good old Regular Cardio

10) Work on your Olympic Lifts with Light weights and master the Positions

Wednesday 29 May 2013

Top 10 mistakes People make when on the Paleo Diet

Expecting a Body Like Camille Le Blanc or Rich Fronning in 7 Days and expecting performances like them too!

*You know and I know that you could try harder in your WOD's your consistency and your Nutrition

2#Ignoring Calore INTAKE and PORTION control

It matters let's not kid outselves a kilo of bacon and eggs is still a kilo of bacon and eggs

3#Going TOO Paleo before easing into it

Too many people go too hard too soon and not stick to it
ease your way into it

4#Training More and decreasing Carbohydrates

Protein is Recovery
Carbs are for Performance
if you don't Fuel your Body Carbs you most likely won't PR FRAN

5#Let one Slip RUIN your Week/ month/ DAY

Come'on just cause you looked a tim tam the wrong way doesn't mean the whole month is ruined and you might as well order the triple cho fudged fried pizza with the ice cream on top

6# Going NUTS

Too many Nuts is not a good thing, everything in balance

7# Replacing healthy foods for Paleo Healthier foods that really aren't healthier

If it comes in a can or is in the preservatives part of the supermarket its not better than milk sorry peeps

yes im talking about coconut milk and almond milk

8# Getting obsessed why I am missing out number 8 , 9 and 10

Studies SHOW people read things that say Top TEN much more than Top 7 so HAH!

Peace Homies
Stay Cool Eat Healthy,
Try Harder one day at a time and before you know it,

..... I'm not sure what

but yeah...

oh thats right

You'lll be sooo HOT the mirror will melt every time you stand in front of it..

*Snare , Cymbal Drum Roll!

CrossFit Down Under

Wednesday 22 May 2013

How do I get Stronger?

You lift Heavy Shit all the time, 
You pick up dead lifts that rip your hands
You squat weights that make you feel very uncomfortable , kind of like if you screw it up,you may die
you press weights you shouldn't be able to press unless your feeling 100%

Period, do this week in and week out and before you know it hey, you'll be such a STRONG BEAST that that you won't be able to turn off from BEAST MODE ever....

Hope this helps

as always trying to provide you with a none BS approach.. 

P.S this is all assuming you already have very good technique in all your lifts
but hey if yo don't go pick up a heavy human being a couple of times, or pick up awkward objects, 


CrossFit Down  Under 

Monday 6 May 2013

A thank you and some history of the box

Once Again Thank you Guys and Girls for all the love, 
you are super dooper awesome 
Words cannot describe how eternally blessed i continually feel by all of your support guys, 
the Timer is awesome and now our BOX is complete :-) 

Here's a little story for some of you 

Here is a garage from my old house.... meet the original
"Vital Health and Fitness"

Vital Health and Fitness was my Personal Training business Before I was a qualified PT

oooops, yes I had been training people for about 2 years before getting certified, why i'm not sure, i didn't really get paid for it, but it was fun!

so this is what i started with, lots of gymnastics foam mats, a stability ball, a really flimsy bench and a boxing bag,

over time this grew

as my clientele grew i managed to purchase some extra mats and boom! i felt like i had a real place!
p.s. there was a time when i struggled for cash to purchase these cheap ass mats from bunnings that barely cost 19.96 per 4 of them,,,,

So after i finished my course at AIF i somehow managed to secure 10 paying clients woot woot
so what did i do with the first payment i got from all of them, i got this!!

Thats right i got a cable crossover , an olympic bar , a power rack , i thought i was set! 

and then.... i went ahead and got some more stuff 

A tread mil, that cost abotu 2 grand at the time, but it was fine cuz i had faith one day this little garage would be full of people up the brim, i got some bands, an aqua bag that i purchased on a holiday to melbourne and my first visit to ironedge the actual store, u can spot my first foam roller in the back, and my first 2 pairs of bumpers plates
i mange to score my first pair of yellows for free from be fit by be friending the sales person, 

after all of this 

here was my first set of kettle bells 

Here is Ty training and doing Fran for the first time in December 2011 

okay so in October September 2011, i decided to start training all my friends for free on tuesday and thursdays nights

without realizing we were doing something very similar to crossfit without realizing 
it was called the Vital Fitness Challenge

it was a 1 to 2 hour session where we would see who could do the most amount of squats in 30 seconds, and then most of amount of push ups. pull ups, lunges, ring rows, sit ups. rope slams, etc....

over the months we started doing a work out at the end called the Challenge 

it was and im quoting myself here, a work out that was so hard you could never want to do  it again in your life

some of the work outs looked like this 
100 push ups
200 burpess
300 lunges 
400 rope slams
50 push ups
100 burpess 
150 lunges

*ps they could take hours and trust me no full reps were every completed hahah lol 

soo.. anyway after seeing my friends progress so well with this type of training i one day finally decide to give this crossfit thing a try

I attempted one of the WODS
it was 
power Cleans 5 reps at 50 kg 
10 box jumps 
15 kb swings
x 3 rounds
* did not complete the WOd 
because the power cleans nearly killed me 

now i know some of u think i am full of crap when i tell you that i did really suck and didn't have good technique strength or speed at the begining and here is some proof

Yes that was my deep squat back in the day and yes my elbows could barely go any higher than that 

oh how the times change 


Soo... after nearly dying attempting these wods i signed up for fit wars 2 
in december of 2011 
here i am looking very silly doing Grace in the scaled division , 
p.s i won that, i may have come last in every other event but i felt on top of the world! 
P.S i won that bcuz at the time it was the only move i like doing and couldn't do anything else 

anyway after a while we changed venues to my new house in modbury 

and it looked like this 

Now anyone who trained at modbury knows that Winter was cold, but 
it didn't matter cuz we trained hard!
here is one of the first wods at the second garage 

so time passed by after fit wars, went and did my level 1 cert
affiliated in may 2011 and Crossfit down under was born! 

once upon a time, we only had 1 pull up bar, and before that we had a horrible power rack pull up bar that destroyed your hands,,,,, 

oh times change 

so weather these two ladies know it or not, the three of us started crossfit together and to this day, i don't know a tougher pair of girls 

Wall balls and Double unders in the rain 
No problems they'd Say.... on a sunday morning mind you as well! 

look if you ever see them around tell them thanks
becuz if it wasnt for them i don't think i would have stuck around teaching ppl about fitness because 
until i met them and i'll be honest here i hated my clients and thought they were all 
"fucking lazy" bcuz they all hated working hard....

these 2 however totally changed my mind about ppl 
and now everyone single one of you changes my mind every day
i have never met a more hard working bunch of individuals as yourselves 

some of the joys of an outdoor box, the SUN!!!

so if you've ever wondered why i know your hands will heal when you get a tiny tear its bcuz of this

This was my hand after 30 toes to bar at my second fit wars event, needless to say the pain was excruciating for months but hey my hands toughened up and dont rip that easily anymore 

Little Fact
Andy Trained for almost 3 months on his own from monday to friday at 6 ams when no one else use to come, if you ever wonder why i like the guy so much, now u know why. 

ty for about 3 months before the 6 am classes started and they were 7 am classes use to also come on his own when no one else  use to come 

The point of all this is ...
the box has come really far
because its really easy to remain inspired and motivated by such awesome people around me
Thank you for being a part of it,
and hopefully we'll keep having fun for a long time! 

PEACE guys 
Thanks for Everything again
love you all 
Big Sloppy Kiss in your Heart! 

Trainers Blog Part 1

So some of you will care , some of you will think eh
but this will be my training blog what I do for Training and how I will attempt to qualify for regionals next year
I will also add the odd thought about Fitness, nutrition and all things related to keeping yourself motivated

Today's W.O.D

Rowing intervals
500 meters
Rest 1 minute x 3
*rowing sucks, but if you keep doing it all the time, it doesnt feel toooooo bad

Strength WOD
Heavy pull Ups
16 kg Strict pull ups x 5 sets
*hurt my shoulders, so kipping pull ups are being pulled back to only once per week

Oly Press/ Squats Work
*no warm up for this, was in a rush to try and fit as much lifting as i could after class before 8 40 when i had to leave

5 x 40 kg strict press
5 x 60 kg strict press
5 x 70 kg push press
5 x 80 kg push press
3 x 90 kg push press
2 x 100 kg push split jerk

+ about 6 Squat Cleans at 80 kg (for fun and giggles)
+ some clean and jerks

Then me and Ryan battled off in 80 kg back squats
i did 2 for every 1 rep he did
2-4-6-8-10-12 (his ladder, was 1-2-3-4-5-6)
i then had the foolish idea of wanting to attempt a 20 kg back squat set at 80 kg, i lost the 16th rep behind my back , kind of scary it fell off me backwards and hit my weight belt, eeek..

Monday 15 April 2013



So I want to Start highlighting some of the awesome things happening at the box ,.......
Like yourselves!!

So we will begin by highlighting the members of the month!

If you don't see your name on here, please know that I can only highlight so many of you at one single time

I think you guys and girls are all amazing, please know that, but

this months Members of the Month go to!

3 people !

First Up


look anyone who hurts themselves in a wod , and then continues to do their pull ups with one hand!! deserves a freaking medal,

But seriously, you got Heart Buddy i love it!!

Plus we all love your sense of humor!
The box wouldn't be the same without you!


You Da MAN

Seriously it's awesome to see someone so fired about training, make no excuses , rock so often and take to crossfit so naturally!

it's been very awesome knowing you so far ! hope you to stick around, we are all super excited to see and support your progress,
anyone who strict presses 80 kg on 3rd wod is LEGIT in my eyes!

and Last but not least

TRACEY (with an E!)
who am I kidding im the only who keeps getting it wrong!

okay ..... Nathan,  Lauren and I  keep saying this to each other,...... you  be FIT GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

like seriously i don;t know much about your backgrond yet, but you've got shitload of fitness behind you!

(pardon the words, im just getting fired Up)

Like seriously you keep crushing these wods! upping the weights and everything, the sky's the limit Tracey

plus you have an awesome attitude that we all appreciate at the box!

so there you go Peep's!

Glad to have you all be a part of such an awesome community!

Sunday 27 January 2013

7) Tips To get more Results out of your Training

1) When You Train, Train Hard and give it everything you have 100%
A lot of people are strapped for time, some people find it hard to train more than 3 times a  week.
Don't make that an excuse , when you get the chance to train, make sure you Train hard leave nothing in the tank.

2) After you Train Recover!
Recovery Means Sleeping 7-8 hour a night!

3) Eat good Carbohydrates before Training,
Your ability to Train hard is dependent on your Nutrition, if you have Crappy food in your system, guess what your not going to be able to give your Training 100% so make sure to load up your body with fruits and vegetables well before you Training Sessions

4) Eat some Protein and Fats after you Train
After you Train your body and muscles need to recover, the quicker they recover the quicker you'll be able to train again, so make sure you feed your muscles protein after training, Weather this be a shake, or some milk or ideally a steak, chicken and fish, do It, you;ll be better off for it!

5) Recovery Training
After a Hard Training Session the worst thing you can do is completely rest the next day, which is in CrossFit we preach Active recovery Days, now this doesn't mean go smash out a WOD , this simply means go for light heated jog, do some skipping, go for a swim, or go play some Sports!

6) Keep your Training Varied,
In CrossFit we do about 20 different types of squats on a 2 month cycle ( we could be really around 100 different variations of squats, the same goes for pulling movements, pushing movements, pressing movements, etc...
The Truth is there is no shortage of variance so keep your training fun, work on skills if you are feeling too beat up for strength, work on your Engine (cardio if your too sick of skills) work on your accuracy if your too sick of cardio etc...

7) Remember Why You Started
We all Start This Crazy Thing called CrossFit for one reason or another!
Remember Why you do it, when it gets hard, and keep your goals in Mind

*Bonus Tip
8) Consistency / Persistence
Keep Showing Up week after week, even if its one day a week ,and then two, and then three and then 4 etc... Stay consistent with what you commit to

9) Set Goals
Set Small goals Every week and Month
Small goals can be things like " I want to do 1 pull Up by the end of the week"
or I want to do " lose 1 kilo by the end of this week"
remember that you have a coach whose probably already helped people just like you achieve what you want already and is more than happy to help you out TOO! So decide what you want to do and commit to it and go for it!

Food For thought

Head Coach
CrossFit Down Under

Friday 25 January 2013

Stop Whining


Here's one Take on it 

Effort = Success??

Effort + Consistency + Persistence = Guaranteed Success

Put forth the Effort 

Whatever you sow you Reap 

If you plant 1 million apple seeds
You will get 1 million apple tree's back

But the problem is most us don't have the consistency 
or the persistence to put the effort in until we have planted the 1 million Plant Seeds! 

Food for thought.. 

stop whining until you have planted 1 million apple trees