Tuesday 13 November 2012

Wednesday's WOD

Wednesday's WOD

6 a.m / 12 30 p.m / 7 p.m

TEAM W.O.D (Coach Lauren's WOD)

600 Meter Partner Piggy Back Carry 
*100 Partner Pistols or Regular Pistols if you can do them 
50 Partner Handstand Push Ups (or Regular Handstand Push Ups if you can do them)
600 Meter Partner Piggy Back Carry

**Yes We will Scale Handstand Push Ups to regular Push Ups or Deficit Push Ups' if you cannot do them
* Yes we will Scale Pistols 

6 p.m Women's Class ONLY class 

Surprise :-) 

Monday 12 November 2012

Tuesdays WOD

Tuesdays WOD

50 double Unders/ 120 Single Skips
Farmers Carry 50 Meters
x 7 Rounds

+ Ab Maker's New Movement

Be at the Box or be your own Square

Saturday 10 November 2012

Monday's WOD

Monday's WOD

Row 500 Meter's
Bench Press
21 Reps of 50% of 1 Rep Max
Row 500 Meters
15 Reps of 60 % of 1 Rep Max
Row 500 Meters
9 Reps of 70% of 1 Rep Max

Thursday 8 November 2012


                                                                                                       Friday's WOD

Max Effort
Dead Lift
3 attempts

Interval Pull Up's
20 second On
20 seconds Off

Wednesday 7 November 2012

Thursdays WOD

Thursday WOD

"Max Effort"
Hang Power Clean


Men's Weight's
Level 3 70 + Kilo's
Level 2 30-70  Kilo's
Level 1 Below 30

Women's Weight's
Level 3 60 Plus
Level 2 25-60
Level 1 Below 25


Heavy Sit Up's

Monday 5 November 2012

Tuesdays WOD

Tuesday WOD

Squat Mobility Prep

Max Effort Squat
Level 3 70% of 1 rep Max , Max Rep's
Level 2 70 % of Body Weight Squat Max Reps
Level 1 50 % of Body Weight Squat Max Rep's

All Max reps are in 1 attempt,

3 Attempts

Push Up's with a Twist
Scaling Push Ups to Challenge all Fitness Level's

Hand Stand Push Ups for those with them
Deficit Handstand Push Ups for advanced Athletes
Ring Push Ups for Those with a  good 12 solid regular push Ups a
and regular Toe Push Ups for those with Knee Push Up's

Sunday 4 November 2012

Monday WOD

Row ....row...Row your boat......gently down the Stream........

Row 100 Meters
Rest 1 minute
Row 200 Meters
Rest 1 minute

5 k Row for Time

Post Times Below