Thursday 26 July 2012

Friday WOD

Friday 27th of July 2012

Work Out of the Day

Warm Up 
5 Minute Jog or Row 

Olympic Lifting
Power Cleans 

WOD (Met Con)

Run 600 Meter's

21-15-9 Reps
- Dead Lift
- Hang Clean
- Hand Release Push Up

Food for Thought
"The Best way to predict the future is to create it" 

Sunday 8 July 2012

Trainer's Blog Sunday

So I saw This on another CrossFit Site and I figured it would be a good idea to give you guys an idea of what my training is like as your Coach

Today's Training Went Well

I re attempted the the Crossfit Regional's WOD
50 Back Squats at 60 kilos
40 Pull Ups
30 Presses at 60 kilos
50 Front Squats 50 kilo's
40 Pull Up's
30 Presses at 50 kilo's
30 Overhead Squats at 30 kilo's
40 Pull Up's
30 Presses at 30 Kilo's

The hardest bit about this was my grip on the Pull Up's
Hands are completely torn again
My Kipping Pull Ups are getting really good now though and 40 in set's didn't seem as bad as they did a couple of months ago
i broke them down in 2 sets of 10 and 4 sets of 5 for the pull ups

Back squat
Front squat
felt fine

and the overhead squats really hurt having to do them straight after doing a high rep of 50 kilo presses

After this WOD
I ran a 5 K with a 30 kilo sandbag
I did this more so for the mental challenge
than the physical gains

after this I did 100 Snatches with an empty bar working on Hip Extension and Speed

This is not a normal WOD day for me, but I had a fair amount of spare time today to dedicate to Training today