Monday 28 April 2014

What I've Learnt From CrossFit Lately?


I've learnt a thing or two from CrossFit.

Over the past month or two, i made a commitment to myself to train in a way that will actually get me to my goals, to eat in a way that matches the training and to not give myself the chance to be lazy and stay active.

Half way through a work out yesterday, i reminded myself of two things,
1) was that i am scared of lifting the 44 kilo kettlebell for american swings
2 was that my hands feel like they are about to rip
3 was that its okay if Lauren is beating me shes using a 16 kilo kettlebell

but then 4 happened

and 4 is where the magic is sometimes

the fourth thing that happened was that i told myself i wouldn't let myself be beaten and talked into excuses as to why i was moving slower.

4 was the fact that sometimes we need to believe in ourselves a bit more
4 was realizing we are scared of succeeding sometimes in the result that it might mean more effort.

The fact is the 44 kilo kettlebell killed me and pulled my ab muscles pretty badly to this morning,

But the lesson here is that we don't realize how much our head stops us from achieving the things we want in training

we are scared sometimes of actualy getting that PR, we let doubt and fear over take us and
sometimes. we need to remind ourselves that we are strong enough/ fast enough/ slim enough/ crossfitty enough to do the things we want to do in training .

Anyway food for thought

The Weight is sometimes heavy enough
the movement is challenging enough
don't let your mind psych you out of what you are capable of

Peace Homies