Sunday 27 January 2013

7) Tips To get more Results out of your Training

1) When You Train, Train Hard and give it everything you have 100%
A lot of people are strapped for time, some people find it hard to train more than 3 times a  week.
Don't make that an excuse , when you get the chance to train, make sure you Train hard leave nothing in the tank.

2) After you Train Recover!
Recovery Means Sleeping 7-8 hour a night!

3) Eat good Carbohydrates before Training,
Your ability to Train hard is dependent on your Nutrition, if you have Crappy food in your system, guess what your not going to be able to give your Training 100% so make sure to load up your body with fruits and vegetables well before you Training Sessions

4) Eat some Protein and Fats after you Train
After you Train your body and muscles need to recover, the quicker they recover the quicker you'll be able to train again, so make sure you feed your muscles protein after training, Weather this be a shake, or some milk or ideally a steak, chicken and fish, do It, you;ll be better off for it!

5) Recovery Training
After a Hard Training Session the worst thing you can do is completely rest the next day, which is in CrossFit we preach Active recovery Days, now this doesn't mean go smash out a WOD , this simply means go for light heated jog, do some skipping, go for a swim, or go play some Sports!

6) Keep your Training Varied,
In CrossFit we do about 20 different types of squats on a 2 month cycle ( we could be really around 100 different variations of squats, the same goes for pulling movements, pushing movements, pressing movements, etc...
The Truth is there is no shortage of variance so keep your training fun, work on skills if you are feeling too beat up for strength, work on your Engine (cardio if your too sick of skills) work on your accuracy if your too sick of cardio etc...

7) Remember Why You Started
We all Start This Crazy Thing called CrossFit for one reason or another!
Remember Why you do it, when it gets hard, and keep your goals in Mind

*Bonus Tip
8) Consistency / Persistence
Keep Showing Up week after week, even if its one day a week ,and then two, and then three and then 4 etc... Stay consistent with what you commit to

9) Set Goals
Set Small goals Every week and Month
Small goals can be things like " I want to do 1 pull Up by the end of the week"
or I want to do " lose 1 kilo by the end of this week"
remember that you have a coach whose probably already helped people just like you achieve what you want already and is more than happy to help you out TOO! So decide what you want to do and commit to it and go for it!

Food For thought

Head Coach
CrossFit Down Under

Friday 25 January 2013

Stop Whining


Here's one Take on it 

Effort = Success??

Effort + Consistency + Persistence = Guaranteed Success

Put forth the Effort 

Whatever you sow you Reap 

If you plant 1 million apple seeds
You will get 1 million apple tree's back

But the problem is most us don't have the consistency 
or the persistence to put the effort in until we have planted the 1 million Plant Seeds! 

Food for thought.. 

stop whining until you have planted 1 million apple trees