Monday 15 April 2013



So I want to Start highlighting some of the awesome things happening at the box ,.......
Like yourselves!!

So we will begin by highlighting the members of the month!

If you don't see your name on here, please know that I can only highlight so many of you at one single time

I think you guys and girls are all amazing, please know that, but

this months Members of the Month go to!

3 people !

First Up


look anyone who hurts themselves in a wod , and then continues to do their pull ups with one hand!! deserves a freaking medal,

But seriously, you got Heart Buddy i love it!!

Plus we all love your sense of humor!
The box wouldn't be the same without you!


You Da MAN

Seriously it's awesome to see someone so fired about training, make no excuses , rock so often and take to crossfit so naturally!

it's been very awesome knowing you so far ! hope you to stick around, we are all super excited to see and support your progress,
anyone who strict presses 80 kg on 3rd wod is LEGIT in my eyes!

and Last but not least

TRACEY (with an E!)
who am I kidding im the only who keeps getting it wrong!

okay ..... Nathan,  Lauren and I  keep saying this to each other,...... you  be FIT GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

like seriously i don;t know much about your backgrond yet, but you've got shitload of fitness behind you!

(pardon the words, im just getting fired Up)

Like seriously you keep crushing these wods! upping the weights and everything, the sky's the limit Tracey

plus you have an awesome attitude that we all appreciate at the box!

so there you go Peep's!

Glad to have you all be a part of such an awesome community!