Tuesday 11 December 2012

How to get Better at Double Under's ?

As i like to mention over and over again
I really do suck at crossfit I vividly remember thinking i will never be able to
- Over head squat with an empty bar
- do more than 2 double under's in a row
- string more than 10 wall balls in a row
- do a muscle up
- do a pistol
- clean and jerk a decent weight
- do the crossfit wod diane
- do handstand push ups
- and the list could go on...

At the beginning all these movement's were very daunting tasks that seemed unattainable ......
but a year later all of these things have become just parts of the journey

over time I've learnt that Crossfit is about
more than just being physically really fit but mainly about
having a lot of faith in yourself

faith in that practice leads to achievement

So my tip for your Double Under's is for you to
get really good at Single skips

now 97% of you can do single skips easily
Ropes are Cheap , you can buy one for $3 and all you need is a little bit of flat surface

First Step
Practice single skips for 10 minutes straight everyday for 1 month

Second Step
Practice Double Under's in your second month for 5 minutes Every day
regardless of your inability to string more than 1 together keep practicing them

Third Step
Third Month
Every Day spend 10 minutes on doing double under's you should now be able to do at least 20 in a row, do intervals or 20 double unders 1 minute break x 20 sets

For some of you it will only take 1 day
for some of you it will take about 3 weeks
for some of you like me it will take about 2months to string more than 5 in a row, but all it takes is practice and most importantly Faith

Hope this helps

CrossFit Down Under