Sunday 10 June 2012

You Don’t Know SQUAT until you’ve tried all these Squats

You Don’t Know SQUAT until you’ve tried all these Squats

Try These variations of the Squat!
Please Have caution trying some of these as they are very advanced exercises, Please make sure you have the adequate shoulder mobility to perform over head squats and single arm overhead squats
Although Squats are generally seen as lower body movements, we know better and we understand that your abs will tend to be what break down the most when the weight gets too heavy, in other words keeping your mid line tight
So please keep a tight core and back through your squats especially as the weights get HEAVY!
I do not advocate the use of smith machine squats or squats inside of machines, therefore will not post any variations including them

The Air Squat

The Back Squat

Front Squat

Zercher Squat

Over Head Squat

Goblet Squat

Single arm overhead squat

Single Leg Squat (Pistol)

Single Leg Over Head

If you need more information or  help with your squats 
Contact me at

Head Trainer/Owner 
CrossFit Down Under