Wednesday 28 May 2014

Trainer Blog

Hey Guys,

Because half of the journey is boring and lonely and I reflect on the daily grind in a very private manner. I've decided to start blogging my journey to hopefully one day making Regionals, weather it be next year or the year after.

So i shall be sharing my work outs/ secrets and sillyness.

Fridays WOD
Row 2 K for time: x 2 sets kept sub 7:45 pace for both which was aim

Lab Training 21-18-15-12-9-6-3-6-9-12-15-18-21
Toes to Bars
Box Jumps Overs
with the lovely prudence !, this was a hard work out to do because no matter how good i felt about my ability to crush the toes to bars Ryan was next to us doing burpee back flips as you do

6 pm WOD
21-18-15-12-6-6-12-18-21 Pull Ups
+21-21-18-15 Handstand Push Ups ?

*My hand felt raped after this needles to say but no rips!, yay hands do become tough one day!

Saturdays WOD
800 meter Run 30 box jumps x 5 rounds *basically a rest day i'd day


I drank the night before so i felt pretty crappy
1 round of cindy 1 clean and jerk at 70 kg
1 round of cindy then 2 clean and jerks , all the way to 10 clean and jerks

thats 50 pull ups/ 100 push ups/ 150 air squats and 55 clean and jerks at 70 kg time was 14 or 16 minutes
this was a good work out with the awesome gianni and briony , thanks for pushing me guys

1 round of cindy is 5 pull ups -10 push 15 air squats

then did my own wod of 50-40-30-20-10 GHD SIT UPS + HANDSTAND PUSH UPS
some days i have handstand push ups for days and other days like today i didnt !

Monday Morning AM Session 16 K Run about 1 hour :27 minutes
Mid Day Session PM 5 x 5 Dead Lifts at 195 kg *i tried 200 but if i dont have someone else to prove anything to infront of me with dead lifting i find it very hard to want to lift very heavy on my own, i know this may sound silly but if you are a guy you know what i mean.

Tested Handstand Push Up Max, Pr'd at 50 in a row ish may have stopped at the top and the bottom a couple of times but didnt fall off the wall!

Second Mid Day WOD 100 box jump overs for time: *every minute on the minute 30 double unders finished in 8:58 or something like that

5 Pm Lab Class WOD

*thanks to Yau Lauren and Ryan and Jason and Pep for joining in!

100 Shoulder to Overhead at 60 kg *Every minute on the minute complete 20  double under's , finished in 8 minutes and rested 1 minute fully to fix my rope which broke half way through wod , this work out hurt my wrist

next wod
70 Front Squats at 70 kg *every minute on the minute complete 20 double unders
Finished in 10 minutes *This was really hard !

Next wod
5 Dead Lifts at 130 Kilos *Every minute on the minute 20 double unders
2 minutes into the work out i found the dead lift was too light and went to 150, it then got too heavy to do when i was out of breath so i went to 3 dead lifts every minute on the minute
i did this for 10 minutes .

Tuesdays WOD

12 minute AMRAP
Row 1 minute *keep pace below 1:40 in the 1:30's
15 Kettlebell Swings EVEN MINUTES with 32kg kb
Repeated x 6= 12 minutes before class started , kept all rows below 1:40 pace this was really hard aerobically my lunges were about to explode

handstand Walking Practice

Then Next WOD at 5 pm
Run 600 meters Front x 10 at 70 kg
Run 600 meters Front Squat x 10 at 80 kg
Run 600 Meters Front Squats x 10 at 90 kg
Run 600 Meters Front Squats x 10 at 100 kg
Run 600 Meters Front Squats x 10 at 110 Kg
Followed immediately by
Run 400 Meters  Dead lifts x 10 at 100 kg
Run 400 meters Dead Lift x 10 at 120 kg
Run 400 Meters Dead Lift x 10 at 140 kg
Run 400 meters dead lift x 10 180 kg

Wednesdays WOD
Run 5 k

Mid Day Session 600 meter Run / 600 Meter Row x 5 Sets + 1 Extra 600 meter Row
Second MID Day Session 10 Thrusters at 60 kg 10 Strict Ring Dips x 5 Sets not for time

Aerodyne EMOM 1 minute aerodyne 1 minute burpees x 10 minutes

PM session

5 x Back Squats at 100/110/120/120/130/140 Finished with 1 extra set at 130 x 3 and 140 x 3
10 x Bench Press at 50/70/70/80/80/80
10 x Strict Pull Ups

Regionals Comp Squad training Sessions

*10 to 1 Pull Ups + 70 kg Front Squat
*for time: 30 Pistols/ 30 Box Jumps overs at 30 inch box / 30 Toes to bars + 10 shuttle Runs
* a couple of sets of 70 kg Dead Ball Carry *maybe 9 reps all up + maybe 20-25 handstand push ups

Thursdays WOD

Today So Far 11. something k Run
5 pm WOD
Repeated x 4 times
Handstand Push Up on Dumb Bells
Squat cleans First set at 70 kg/then 80 kg/ then 90 kg/ then 100 kg

1 Squat Clean at 100 kg 5 hand Stand push ups with dumb bells x 5 rounds

Then immediately after
I did dianne

21-15-9 Dead Lifts at 100 kg/ regular handstand push ups
time : 3:40

anyway that is as far back as i can remember , now some cool facts, out of all of those things, nothing has really left me sore, eventually your body adapts to the work load you give it

things that have gone wrong this week knee gave out on me on friday day and ....
Wrist got hurt monday, thanks to simon for fixing it and pointing to me that i needed to do some release work on my forearm and break up some of my jammed up muscle tissue, i have spent the last 2-3 days painfully stretching my wrist and forarms digging sharp things in there and voila the pain and issue is completely gone!, doing mobility really helps when you do it !

food intake has been good!, i have found that eating sugar post wod makes a massive different to recovery so if you see drinking a gatorade after training its not because i am a junky but because ive found it helps me able to train 20+ hours a week and not feel so distraught, Thanks to Claire for letting me in on her bio chemical knowledge of sugar mixtures and how mixing sugars can speed up recovery

anyway thanks for reading my boring training life, hope it gave you some insight into what my training is like.
i have probably done many more wods on top of this but i don't remember!,

Peace! Every Thursdays i will write a little write about my weeks training !